running late....all plays for 1* unless noted otherwise....
953 Brew + 1 1/2 RL.................-170........................5*
ML +110.............................................. .....3*
959/960 Pitt/Cubs OVER 8 1/2....-110............3*
960 CXards + 1 1/2 RL..............-110
961 Reds................................-150
963 Rockies.............................+125
966 Az + 1 1/2 RL.....................-150...........3*
967 Toronto + 1 1/2 RL..............-110
969 KC + 1 1/2 Rl......................-105
971 Oak A's + 1 1/2 RL...............-120
973 Boston - 1 1/2 RL................+100......................5*
975 C W Sox............................+122
977/978 O's/Tex OVER 10 1/2.....-105............3*
979 Mariners + 1 1/2 RL.............+103
gl to all----sorry I'm running late
953 Brew + 1 1/2 RL.................-170........................5*
ML +110.............................................. .....3*
959/960 Pitt/Cubs OVER 8 1/2....-110............3*
960 CXards + 1 1/2 RL..............-110
961 Reds................................-150
963 Rockies.............................+125
966 Az + 1 1/2 RL.....................-150...........3*
967 Toronto + 1 1/2 RL..............-110
969 KC + 1 1/2 Rl......................-105
971 Oak A's + 1 1/2 RL...............-120
973 Boston - 1 1/2 RL................+100......................5*
975 C W Sox............................+122
977/978 O's/Tex OVER 10 1/2.....-105............3*
979 Mariners + 1 1/2 RL.............+103
gl to all----sorry I'm running late