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Question regarding the "Belicheat" thing...

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  • Question regarding the "Belicheat" thing...

    Maybe someone can explain this to me:

    In High School and even college playing baseball, I was always stealing signs of other coaches. I had one bench coach change the signs he was giving his catcher as far as pitches and locations 4 times in one game in college because I made sure they knew I knew. To me it was a fun little challenge to add to every game.

    Why is sign stealing being made out to be such a horrible offense here? In baseball, why are there 5 signs given to a pitcher with a runner on 2nd base if only one is the pitch? It is to keep the signs hidden so the baserunner can not steal the signs and give them to the batter. It has been said in Texas that people in the scoreboard steal signs and flash something to the batter to give him a heads up. Not saying this is right, if signs are to be stolen it should be from someone on the sidelines or in the dugout.

    Why are the Pats being considered cheats now? Is it because they used a video camera. Hell if it got me 3 Super Bowl Rings and all I had to give back was $500k, why not I'd do it. More power to Bill if he stole the signs and figured them out in 15 minutes at halftime or for the next game. To decipher all that information along with everything else and use it the way he did, I say BRAVO BILL!

    If this was something he just picked up on the sidelines, would he be condemned for it? Just a question I have been asking myself trying to get an answer to.
    NFL System - Year 1
    Week 2 3-2 +0.8 Units
    Week 3 3-2-1 +0.8 Units
    Week 3 3-3 -0.3 Units
    Week 4 3-2 +0.8 Units
    Week 5 2-3 -1.3 Units
    Week 6 4-1 +2.9 Units
    Week 7 3-0 +3.0 Units
    Week 8 2-3 -2.35 Units
    Week 9 0-1 -1.1 Units
    Season Total 23-17 +3.35 Units

  • #2
    Here's a good link of Mark Schlereth explanation to your question


    • #3
      THanks Frank, but that just says what they did. I am trying to find out what specific rule it violated and if they just did it with the naked eye would it still be wrong and warrant just as much of a penalty?
      NFL System - Year 1
      Week 2 3-2 +0.8 Units
      Week 3 3-2-1 +0.8 Units
      Week 3 3-3 -0.3 Units
      Week 4 3-2 +0.8 Units
      Week 5 2-3 -1.3 Units
      Week 6 4-1 +2.9 Units
      Week 7 3-0 +3.0 Units
      Week 8 2-3 -2.35 Units
      Week 9 0-1 -1.1 Units
      Season Total 23-17 +3.35 Units


      • #4
        Questions, comments, complaints:
        [email protected]


        • #5
          The reasoning is with recording devices with study you can even find out the pattern of the "dummy" calls. It is unbelievable that more people aren't up in arms about this but what do you want from a sport and league that ADVERTISES Shawne "Lights Out I USED F#$%^% STEROIDS" Merriman in the ad campaigns............ugggh I am just so damn frustrated.
          Here We Go Steelers....Here We Go!!!!


          • #6
            3 super bowls = asterisks ***


            • #7
              Originally posted by awal224
              The reasoning is with recording devices with study you can even find out the pattern of the "dummy" calls. It is unbelievable that more people aren't up in arms about this but what do you want from a sport and league that ADVERTISES Shawne "Lights Out I USED F#$%^% STEROIDS" Merriman in the ad campaigns............ugggh I am just so damn frustrated.
              All sports have become a sad state of affairs. The win at any cost is being brought to a new level each and everyday.

              Merriman gets a free pass while Bonds gets executed in the media. Why? Trust me! I dislike Bonds as much as the next.

