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  • #16
    nice sweep , mcp


    • #17
      Nice hit MCP....been playing here and there lately and banged this one pretty good.....did not get the parlay but the Tiger and the over.....

      ***you were the first one to have chuck pegged and as you can see upon your return nothing changes......


      • #18
        Originally posted by TwoTonTony
        Nice hit MCP....been playing here and there lately and banged this one pretty good.....did not get the parlay but the Tiger and the over.....

        ***you were the first one to have chuck pegged and as you can see upon your return nothing changes......
        Hes a tool.......I swear they should start a thread and everyone should chime in with pros and cons about the guy and then vote to get him banned for good.

        Let the people speak!



        • #19
          Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp
          Hes a tool.......I swear they should start a thread and everyone should chime in with pros and cons about the guy and then vote to get him banned for good.

          Let the people speak!

          won't happen.....i asked for a me or him to get voted off the island and they do not think that is right....I kind of see their point....I think for now best to ignore him


          • #20
            Originally posted by TwoTonTony
            won't happen.....i asked for a me or him to get voted off the island and they do not think that is right....I kind of see their point....I think for now best to ignore him
            cant ignore a either deal with the nuisance or you exterminate it......tough to ignore though.

            I tried to but when I went diggin for an old thread and found him in my last thread here in May I wanted to have a peek at what he said and low and behold hes being an ass.

            Compound that on to what he tried stirrin up in the AM I decided to fire back at him and make look like an asshole for the 176,234th time



            • #21
              Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp
              cant ignore a either deal with the nuisance or you exterminate it......tough to ignore though.

              I tried to but when I went diggin for an old thread and found him in my last thread here in May I wanted to have a peek at what he said and low and behold hes being an ass.

              Compound that on to what he tried stirrin up in the AM I decided to fire back at him and make look like an asshole for the 176,234th time

              I agree and if it were up to me i would have beaten him to a pulp and then had him banned.....But it is not our site and good/bad or indifferent i have to respect the wishes of the owner and mods.....All in all they are pretty right in with their decisions and i am sure it has not been easy on them dealing with this man and his repetitive act.....It is comical.....HE runs on a 3-4 week cycle before it goes south....


              • #22
                Originally posted by TwoTonTony
                I agree and if it were up to me i would have beaten him to a pulp and then had him banned.....But it is not our site and good/bad or indifferent i have to respect the wishes of the owner and mods.....All in all they are pretty right in with their decisions and i am sure it has not been easy on them dealing with this man and his repetitive act.....It is comical.....HE runs on a 3-4 week cycle before it goes south....
                I think if he gets banned he would go insane......he always says people on this site lead empty lives and he is living it up in Cali yet hes always on here lying and causing trouble



                • #23
                  Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp
                  I think if he gets banned he would go insane......he always says people on this site lead empty lives and he is living it up in Cali yet hes always on here lying and causing trouble

                  When i moved to florida i tapered way off....(too much to do)...since i have been here in CT caring for mother i have been bored and pass time here.....and have been betting a few games here and there to pass time....

                  Chuck may have been a good guy at one time when things roll his way, but as soon as anyone has success he goes nuts and has to one up them (if i said i won 1500...he would say he won 5K)....remember the huge numbers he used to post....Abe Lincoln said the sign of a weak man is one who "puts others down in order to elevate themselves"....Chuck is no different than any other frustrated old athlete whose best days of his life were on the high school football field....we all have them in our home town....they occupy the same barstool and when someone mentions a player of today doing something the "chuck type" chimes in that todays kids were not as tough and the conversation turns to him and "glory days".....

                  Bottom line is, if chuck is not "the man" he is not happy......

                  But then again his famous words are "i am not going to respond to any of this"


                  • #24
                    ronnie you and i have always been friends and i even got in a mix with you,all apologies bro-NICE WINNER TODAY !! PS-SINCERELY IRONCHUNG !!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by WayneChung
                      ronnie you and i have always been friends and i even got in a mix with you,all apologies bro-NICE WINNER TODAY !! PS-SINCERELY IRONCHUNG !!
                      No worries Chung you always were and will be one of my favs......On a board like this nobody can get along all of the time and Ive gotten in a few spats with some people but nothing that has gone on for quite some time like with this loser.

                      Its been a year and since then whats funny is I get along fine with everyone here but this tool has started up with prolly over 20-30 people from vets to newbies to admins.

                      I think its plain for all to see that nobody really cares for him and I know that burns him up.........He has an ego problem.....he wants to be loved by a bunch of net personalities and his efforts have backfired.



                      • #26
                        Good Call----that's what you call "knowing your home team".......Nice shot, and thanks for sharing with us......kapt

                        Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                        • #27
                          Great Call ...

