Originally Posted by Chado1
MLB 1-0
NHL 3-2
NFL 1-1
My all-time GOY record stands @ MLB 2-0, all time 6-3 going for 7-3..... on Friday night on the Canadian Football field with this quality selection: END QUOTE
Can you please change this post in my thread so that it reads exactly like this as I made an error:
MLB 2-0
NHL 3-2
NFL 1-1
My all-time GOY record stands @ 6-3 and am going for 7-3 Friday night on the Canadian football field with this quality selection:
Hey Joe sorry to make you work so hard but these waving flag avatars are the COOLEST things ever. I understand you are doing them. Can you make me one that says King of the NHL and CFL or NHL and CFL Master or something cool like that or thereby...that would be awesome!!!