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Originally posted by MR PainI did play it, and let me tell you something, hopkins is one dirty mofo, he's trying to head butt his way to victory.
wow.....very unlike him
but you can not headbutt your way to victory...nobody knows who will cut in a clash of heads and with a good ref he will determine if it is intentional and will deduct points
LAS VEGAS -- Live round-by-round coverage of Hopkins-Wright from the Mandalay Bay Events Center.
ROUND 1: Wright lands an early jab. They tie up inside and Hopkins throws to the body. They tie up again along the ropes. Crowd begins to boo lightly at the midpoint. Hopkins lands a decent right hand. Hopkins is moving side to side and Wright is coming forward. Wright lands a double jab. Short right inside by Hopkins. Wright gets in a left. They're locked up again and referee Robert Byrd talks to them. Hopkins' round, 10-9.
ROUND 2: Wright lands a jab and Hopkins connects with a short right. Wright lands two shots inside. Hopkins lands a counter combination and then hooks to the body. Left inside by Hopkins, then Wright goes to the body with a left. Wright has an abrasion above his right eye midway through the round. Good short left by Wright lands on the chin. Another left by Wright connects. Hopkins lands an uppercut insider and Wright flicks a jab. Crowd boos as they hold and Wright turns his back on Hopkins. Short left inside by Wright. Another left to the head by Wright. Hopkins lands a short right at the bell. Wright's round, 10-9 (19-19 overall).
ROUND 3: Wright is cut badly by accidental head butt only 18 seconds into the fight. Dr. David Watson examines the cut but lets the fight go on. Wright lands a left inside and Hopkins complains. Hopkins lands a right and Wright complains. Wright is throwing harder shots, seemingly with a sense of urgency due to the cut.
Counter right lands by Hopkins. Hard left inside by Wright. Short right from Hopkins again has Wright complaining to Byrd. Blood streaming down Wright's face. They trade on the ropes, each landing a good shot. Hopkins lands a right. Wright's round, 10-9 (29-28, Wright).
ROUND 4: Wright lands a left inside and smiles at Hopkins. Wright lands a jab followed by a left. Good right inside by Hopkins. Hopkins is trapped in a corner and Wright lands a right-left combination before Hopkins spins out. Pace has slowed a bit from third round.
Hopkins lands a lead right. Wright lands a counter left. Left-right by Hopkins. Hopkins using his head inside and is warned by Byrd. Wright lands a good left just before the bell. Wright's round, 10-9 (39-37, Wright).
ROUND 5: They're trading jabs in the first 30 seconds. Good short right inside by Hopkins. Wright misses over the top with a left. Blood has stopped on Wright's eye. Hopkins throws a left-right and Winky lands a good left down the middle. Combination by Hopkins. Crowd is getting into it finally. Combination again by Hopkins and then a straight right. Wright goes to the body for three scoring shots. They are leaning on each other doing nothing with 35 seconds left. Hopkins goes to the body.
Hopkins' round, 10-9 (48-47 Wright).
ROUND 6: Slow opening 30 seconds. Wright lands a jab. Hopkins gets a short right inside. Wright lands a chopping right to the head and Hopkins counters hard to the body. Another good right to the body from Hopkins. Combination to the body and head from Hopkins at the midpoint. Byrd separates them. He's very involved in the fight. Combination to the head from Hopkins.
Hopkins leans on Wright. Short right inside by Hopkins after a Wright left. Wright seems a little tired, breathing with his mouth open. They clinch in Hopkins' corner. Hopkins' round, 10-9 (57-57 overall).
ROUND 7: Crowd boos as there is little activity. They're clinching. Hopkins lands a hard right hand. Wright lands a left that backed Hopkins up. Two short rights inside from Wright. Booing intensifies as Byrd warns Hopkins for holding. Wright lands a left. Hopkins lands a combination and Wright gets in a good left. Hopkins is circling but not punching as much. Good right to the body from Hopkins. Left hand from Wright and Hopkins' shoeshines to the head. Wright lands a left as they bang heads. Wright is wrestled to the floor at the bell.
Wright's round, 10-9 (67-66, Wright).
ROUND 8: Wright is pawing at his eye. Hopkins lands a right inside. Good left by Wright in the corner. Hopkins is warned for using his head. Crowd saw it and is booing. Left by Wright. Wright lands a combination inside. Hopkins drops in a short right. They trade in the corner. Scattered boos again. Crowd picks up a chant of "Winky! Winky" Wright's round, 10-9 (77-75, Wright).
ROUND 9: The rounds are all excruciatingly close. The two clinch for probably the 1,000th time. Wright has a lot of grease on his eye from the corner. Hopkins lands a combination inside. Hopkins lands a right in the corner. Lead right by Hopkins and a left from Wright. Wright is trying to pick up the pace. Crowd begins to chant for Hopkins. Byrd is talking to Hopkins as they clinch. Right hand inside by Hopkins. Blood has begun to flow again from Wright's eye. The cut looks to have worsened. Byrd warns Hopkins again. Hopkins' round, 10-9 (86-85 Wright).
ROUND 10: Overhand right from Wright as round starts. They're fighting on the inside. Hard right from Hopkins. Pace picks up and Hopkins lands a right as Wright connects to the body. Good body shot by Hopkins. Referee again warns Hopkins. It can only be a matter of time before he deducts a point. Wright lands a chopping right but Hopkins goes to the body. Combination to the body by Hopkins seems to bother Wright. Hard right by Hopkins.
Good left by Wright. They clinch again. Hopkins' round, 10-9 (95-95 overall).
ROUND 11: They're battling inside in the center of the ring.
Byrd now talking to Wright. Good combination by Hopkins. Wright lands a left. Crowd booing as Wright complains about Hopkins' tactics. Hopkins bulls Wright to the ropes. Hopkins seems the fresher fighter with a minute left in the round. Wright connects with a stiff jab. Hopkins lands a combination. The difference now is Wright is throwing only one shot at a time. Hopkins another good inside combination, left to the body and then right-left to the head. Hopkins' round, 10-9 (105-104, Hopkins).
ROUND 12: Hopkins lands a good right to open the round. Again they're tied up. Stiff jab from Wright, but Hopkins bullies Wright to the ropes. Wright is complaining. Boos rain down from crowd. Wright goes to the body with a good shot. Hopkins lands a right that staggers Wright. Hopkins connects with another right and Wright is in trouble. Crowd is cheering for Hopkins. Many on their feet in the last minute. They're locked up inside. Wright's corner urging him to punch. Hopkins' left is swelling shut. They trade punches along the ropes as time winds down. Both throw their arms in the air at the bell. Hopkins' round, 10-9. Yahoo! Sports has this at 115-113, Hopkins.
i figured the fight would go this way.....hopkins is soo smart and crafty and is always the better conditioned fighter as witnessed with winky's mouth wide open....(and i love winky)...but winky is not natural at that weight regardless if he weighs that or not.....
did not pay for this one....first one in ages i did not....
Originally posted by jordanrules23I paid for the fight, and all it was, was holding, holding...everyone had it a draw and the judges had it, 116-112 and 2 judges had it 117-111.....total bs...boxing cant hold the UFC's jock......UFC will be the dominate sport if it already isnt
yo tony I don't know if you were watching, but I guess it was a horrible ref, because all hopkins did was hold and headbutt for 10 rounds then fought for 2. The ref gave the so called final warning in round 6 and literally he must have warned him another 10 -12 times.
check this out he headbutts him in the begining of the second and winky was still schooling him, until about the 8th or 9th that's when his eye was shut completely and winky was literally fighting with one hand because he had to keep the other one on his eye, why? because hopkins kept holding, kept headbutting, and no points were taken. Obviously I am mad at the loss but seriously you sound like you really know what your talking about, if you can watch some clips of the fight and you tell me he didn't headbutt his way to victory. Maybe not in the old days but when there is only one promotional giant involved and that fighter fights under that name, you have to look at the scorecard and just yell FIXED.
overall, winky threw less punches and landed more, winky threw an even amount of jabs and landed triple, yes triple 10% to 30% and power punches were a 1% difference in favor of hopkins............everyone scoring the fight had it as a draw, yet every judge had hopkins winning by at least 4 points. There is no way 2 fighters can fight that same fight and have it be a 4-6 point difference. No one landed anything devastating, no one got knocked out, winky landed more and threw less, but hopkins wins by 4-5 point decision. You say you can't headbutt your way to victory, guess what he just did........ I gave you the stats go watch........ and people wonder why boxing is not popular, The whole world just saw a guy win 7 of 12 rounds, and they give it to the other guy.
Originally posted by MR Painyo tony I don't know if you were watching, but I guess it was a horrible ref, because all hopkins did was hold and headbutt for 10 rounds then fought for 2. The ref gave the so called final warning in round 6 and literally he must have warned him another 10 -12 times.
check this out he headbutts him in the begining of the second and winky was still schooling him, until about the 8th or 9th that's when his eye was shut completely and winky was literally fighting with one hand because he had to keep the other one on his eye, why? because hopkins kept holding, kept headbutting, and no points were taken. Obviously I am mad at the loss but seriously you sound like you really know what your talking about, if you can watch some clips of the fight and you tell me he didn't headbutt his way to victory. Maybe not in the old days but when there is only one promotional giant involved and that fighter fights under that name, you have to look at the scorecard and just yell FIXED.
overall, winky threw less punches and landed more, winky threw an even amount of jabs and landed triple, yes triple 10% to 30% and power punches were a 1% difference in favor of hopkins............everyone scoring the fight had it as a draw, yet every judge had hopkins winning by at least 4 points. There is no way 2 fighters can fight that same fight and have it be a 4-6 point difference. No one landed anything devastating, no one got knocked out, winky landed more and threw less, but hopkins wins by 4-5 point decision. You say you can't headbutt your way to victory, guess what he just did........ I gave you the stats go watch........ and people wonder why boxing is not popular, The whole world just saw a guy win 7 of 12 rounds, and they give it to the other guy.
Originally posted by jordanrules23I paid for the fight, and all it was, was holding, holding...everyone had it a draw and the judges had it, 116-112 and 2 judges had it 117-111.....total bs...boxing cant hold the UFC's jock......UFC will be the dominate sport if it already isnt
like you said 117 to 111 uhhhh can you say GOLDENBOY
Hey jordan I guess if you make the other guy bleed in boxing you win, because that is all hopkins really did.
Originally posted by TwoTonTonywelcome to boxing my friend....will not watch it......too busy right now, but those hug fests can go either way....but most of the judged had it similar......one big reason not to bet on boxing....i heard winky was only throwing 1 punch at a time and was gassed....probably from not used to carrying that weiught on his frame.....sorry about the bet
Originally posted by MR PainThank you for a little feedback jordan, like I was trying to tell tony Total BS. I totally agree with you on the UFC I am in south florida and I actually know 2 fighters. I can assure you that the 2 I know are not on the juice, don't know about the rest of them though.
like you said 117 to 111 uhhhh can you say GOLDENBOY
Hey jordan I guess if you make the other guy bleed in boxing you win, because that is all hopkins really did.
age old problem with boxing......no governing body.....i love MMA....did some myslef anf trained in a gym where kenny florian trained,.....was mostly a boxer.....wrestler and muay thai fighter myself......i just am too old and too many surgeries to do MMA....wish it was around 20 yrs ago....i too live in South Florida and know some fgihters from wolfpack who merged with ATT....and they just put a new place in Lauderdale