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One NBA play

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  • One NBA play

    I am loading up on this. I am playing this and SF in ML big today...

    Under 185.5 New Jersey/Cleveland

    20-15 NBA playoffs...

  • #2
    BOL today bryce....did you read the response in my other thread about how I was doing....I also asked you how you were are things with yourself....?


    • #3
      Best of luck Bryce!


      • #4
        Chado I apologize buddy---I read it late the other night and meant to reply the next day. I am doing good Chado...outside of custody issues with my son Bryce things are great. Everytime I see you post my heart goes out to you buddy and I hope you are Ok...It is weird how you feel a certain closeness with some people on here...I wish you the best Chado and I know you are a good guy..Sorry i didn't get back to you sooner. Take care Chado and I will talk to you soon!!


        • #5
          Good Luck Buddy
          "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
          is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


          • #6
            Originally posted by bryce
            Chado I apologize buddy---I read it late the other night and meant to reply the next day. I am doing good Chado...outside of custody issues with my son Bryce things are great. Everytime I see you post my heart goes out to you buddy and I hope you are Ok...It is weird how you feel a certain closeness with some people on here...I wish you the best Chado and I know you are a good guy..Sorry i didn't get back to you sooner. Take care Chado and I will talk to you soon!!
            Glad to hear bryce...I hope that you are keeping away from the booze my friend...I have stayed far away from my "drug of choice" and contstantly give thanks for the little things I have in my life that prior to I didnt care about....I have been out of rehab now for 2 weeks (15 days) and I have to regularly watch myself to makle sure that I dont get over-confident and think that I can just have "1 hit" cause we both no it cant work that way....the weather has been warming up and a few friends have called asking to go for a few drinks on bar patios but the difference between me and them is that I would go would go with them (in the past) and they would stay for a while and leave but I would remain there until I was hammered and blacked out and ending up doing drugs and staying up for days...THEY CAN (non-alcoholic/addict) I CAN NOT (alcoholic/addict)....because after I take that first mind-altering chemical I can not determine where I will end up or when it will end....You take care too wishes at getting custody of your son!!!
            SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


            • #7
              Its been a rough road. I am glad you read my post when you got out and more importantly you remember what my addiction was. I can tell you are taking this rehab the way you should and not denying it and heading this off. My hat is off to you my friend. Many people don't know the struggles of our addictionand can not fathom the consequences of it. I don't know if I stopped because of consequences or because I needed to. Nonetheless I stopped and that is all that counts. I have a good job, a beautiful son and am thankful for where I am at right now. One day at a time buddy...Thanks for the reply Chado and good luck not only today but for the rest of your life...not with gambling but the addiction!!! Of course I want you to win every game...but I want you to win the game of life!!! Sorry guys don't want to be sentimental here but IT IS WHAT IT IS!!! GL all!!! Lets have a great weekend!!


              • #8
                gl to ya today

                Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                • #9
                  gl bryce

                  Fat Tuesday's - Home


                  • #10
                    Looking good at half!!!
                    THINK BLUE


                    • #11
                      If you two don't mind me saying this.........THANKS!!! Thanks for being so real and open about what you face daily. I only by the grace of god, have been able to "handle" my early bouts with the good ol bottle and a little drug use. And as someone with what counselors years ago said was an addictive personality I have shared in atleast a portion of your struggles. Things have been great for me, for several years, after I started coming home at night (Chado, I would have been your right hand man staying at the bar when everyone else left ) and realizing all I truly have (a good, good wife, and three beautiful daughters, a great job etc.). Anyway, in a world full of dudes trying to be bad ass and NO one ever gets sentimental, I tip my hat to both of you. I daily pray for your strength against what I used to call the "monster", and take joy in every report or reference I hear from the both of you. Life is good my brothers, and though I have never met either of you face to face I know that we share a kindred spirit. And again I admire your brutal honesty and identification of your issues you face daily. Thank you so much for being the men that you are, and know that your journey touches others that know you.
                      "Just livin' the dream"


                      • #12
                        Sooner Bud---thanks for the reply as I am sure Chado agrees... As far as I am concerned these are the comments by you, Chado and several others that keep all of us going!!

                        Thanks Sooner---take care buddy!!

