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  • Flagler

    running late today ... the following are my plays at the matinee

    R1- 8351
    R2- 8267
    R3- 1528
    R4- 8614
    R5- 7653
    R6- 7612
    R7- 2576
    R8- 8245
    R9- 3682
    R10- 7184
    R11- 5382
    R12- 2785
    R13- 3658
    R14- 6578


    R9- ***MMM***

    :cool: :cool: :cool:
    " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "

  • #2
    Good Luck

    Hope you hit them hard again :D
    1 of 1 Morons


    • #3

      I bring your attention to the 12th and 13th races [ better known as the twin-tri ]

      7 - tri`s = 533.70
      8 - quin. = 229.00

      Now heres the sleeper , if you win the 12th you get to do a tri-exchange where you have to pick the 13th in exact order at no cost to you what so ever . Now if you go back to the above post you will see that I did in fact hit the 12th [boxing the 2785] and it came in 782 for a paltry 88.80 but gave me a shot at the twin.

      Now here comes the bomb blast , a friend of mine owns the 6 that I had earlier had in my selection told me that the pups had recent problems with his spur bone [ foot ] so when I hit the 12th and done my exchance I went to the keyboard and called a 385 like I have above [ minus the 6 ] based on the fact that the 8 box had been running well [ won 3 placed 8 showed 2 ] and low-and-behold it comes in 385.

      Now this is only a 1$ shot , but it still makes me happy and I wait for the tote board to make it official and show me what I won . Well was I shocked that Joe Public had his guard down and let me sneek in the back-door

      Outcome = 1 race mind you [ 3581.60 ]
      add the 533.70 & 229.00 to that [minus 490.00 bet ]

      I deserve a martini

      Later folks and have a great day !



      :cool: :cool: :cool:
      " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


      • #4

        TANKS - A - TON !!!!!
        " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


        • #5
          Have to go to Dairyland

          Homer good luck on our picks tonight .... see ya later !



          :cool: :cool: :cool:
          " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


          • #6
            10:00 o`Clock

            And I am ready to be [just another jock]
            " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


            • #7
              How did you do ?
              1 of 1 Morons


              • #8

                I have to be honest withyou ....... I had them picked as a winner , but you shoved me over the famous " Mend0za Line " on this-one ,,,,,, I know I owe Wayne a streak [Nascar] ,,,,,, but you have A " Memphis Whirlwind " Loaded and ready !!!



                :cool: :cool: :cool:

                p.s. a mouse makes my life much better ,,,,,, than those without ?
                " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


                • #9
                  actually I didn't even see your pick on the football game. Its a good thing because I may not have placed it. I alwaysn try not to go against you like savage1 said you have this knack to be right.

                  When I placed the GOY today and saw you on it to. I told the guy I work with this one will hit.

                  1 of 1 Morons


                  • #10
                    It " DID "

                    I know talk is cheap [better than the next MAN] ........

                    The Ladies Club owes you one !!!


                    Much unlike [some creatures] [and this one will draw phlegmatic intentions = for you savage]

                    Has it not been " 1 " hell-of-a-week

                    Right now ........ I would go against Waynes sister [ Cleo ]



                    :cool: :cool: :cool:
                    " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "

