Been In Business 17 Years We Sell New Orleans Type Food, Gumbo, Red Beans & Rice All Most Any Po-boy You Could Want, Steak's, Platters= Shrimp,oysters,soft Shell Crabs, Anything You Can Get In New Orleans, Except Much Better ( We Think )
If Your Ever This Way Come By In Ridgeland, Miss. To Fat Tuesday's Would Love To Treat You Too Some Great Food.
How far is that from Tunica? You have my stomach growling
Been In Business 17 Years We Sell New Orleans Type Food, Gumbo, Red Beans & Rice All Most Any Po-boy You Could Want, Steak's, Platters= Shrimp,oysters,soft Shell Crabs, Anything You Can Get In New Orleans, Except Much Better ( We Think )
If Your Ever This Way Come By In Ridgeland, Miss. To Fat Tuesday's Would Love To Treat You Too Some Great Food.
Been to New Orleans a lot in the past, but not since Katrina.
Ordered a Large PoBoy from some shop that was shrimp and the damn thing was like 2 inches deep of shrimp and like 8-10 inches around. I had no idea it was going to be that big. Needless to say I could only eat about half of it. I love Cajun food though.
I LOVED his comment.
There's enough sugar in my chocolate city.
I don't need any more.
Mayor Nagin
From what i've heard its now costing home owners or anyone that lost a home in New Orleans $10k per year to insure their homes. Plus a Tornado I believe hit there a few days ago. If this is true how could anyone that wasn't rich afford to move back?
Rather your for, against, or don't care....hate is a strong word. The choice of wording was unfortunate, but if he hates homosexuels, that is his right. He should be criticized for his comments, just as someone who says they hate blacks should be criticized.
However, Amechi should not be treated as anybody special, Billy Beane went so far a to call him a role model, because he is gay. Who really cares if he's gay. If 10% of the population is gay/lesbian then there are bound to be homosexual athletes.
All I ask is that the news media stops making it a story and move on....
Well you know it wasn't Penny (Anfernee) because he has long been the subject of gay rumors.
10-11% of the population is gay, so the numbers in sports may not be exactly the same, but suffice it to say that there are numerous closeted homosexuals in sport. If the one out of nine ratio applied to sports teams pro-rated as in the general populace, then there would be 5-6 on every pro football team, one on every NBA team, and 2-3 on every baseball team.
I think if these people ever revealed their orientation in masse, the public would be shocked. I don't know why it would be anyone's business, though, no more than if someone preferred goat pussy over human snatch.
I don't understand homophobia, other than it being a fear of some urge someone may not be able to control.
One of these days a superstar will come out, during his playing days, and then others will follow.
Unfortunately for Timmy Hardaway, we live in a PC age where a temporary lapse of PC-ness and a live microphone can do permanent damage to a career ( see Jimmy the Greek, Al Campanis, Marge Schott, John Rocker et al) and his broadcast days are over.
You can't always get what you want, but if you try some time, you might find, you get what you need.
i think saying that he would be uncomfortable with them being in the locker room is natural, but to use the word hate is inappropriate. However, being newer to Ft. Lauderdale they have a large gay population and sometimes they are very in your face about it. In fact i was at a gym where it was 60% gay and i was real uncomfortable in the locker room. In fact there were guys rubbing each other down and to me that is overboard and i quit the gym. I have no problem with somebody in the privacy of their own getting it on with another guy in their home, but i do not need your sexuality pushed in my face as i would not do the same regarding females...In fact i would appear to be an asshole if i were to do it. Live and let live i say, but many of them (gays) have a serious axe to grind. All of a sudden in this country we have to tolerate and like everyone and everything. I say BS to this. We still have a right to support moral and decen t behavior. And not support immoral behavior regardless of race, creed or color. Too many times people say, "it is because i am gay or because i am black or because i am a white male". I really think we are hypersensitive. I mean if i were gay i could give a fuck what hardaway thinks.
His comments were FUCKING rediculous......
Hardaway is not ruined. The victims of these comments are the MANY childrens charities he is active with. That's the saddest part of it all
What I don't get is Why a minority, who I bet has been the victim of racism and seen it first hand or even knows what it feels like to be subjected to such things would in turn make a comment like this against another minority group.
Any justification about free speach or any other BULLSHIT excuse is just that BULLSHIT. If Malcolm X was hated by whites for believing whites were the devil, or Mel Gibson is an ass for his anti Jewish rhetoric or blacks being called niggers is wrong HOW THE FUCK IS THIS NOBLE for saying what's on his mind?
Is he rediculous?
The saddest part of it is you cant spell.
One is a lifestyle choice, meaning if someone says I hate drug addicts those persons choose to use drugs, no one held a gun to their head.
If a person chooses to sleep with members of the same sex and go against everything about CREATION its a lifestyle choice, no one forces a guy to hook up with another hairy, disgusting man.
As far as NIGGERS are concerned it has to do with skin color(popular beliefs of some) and the last time I checked that has to do with God. So the difference is, it isnt a lifestyle choice.
Dont agree with the hate comment but someones skin color and some dude choosing to smoke another dude isnt the same thing..........FYI
One is a lifestyle choice, meaning if someone says I hate drug addicts those persons choose to use drugs, no one held a gun to their head.
If a person chooses to sleep with members of the same sex and go against everything about CREATION its a lifestyle choice, no one forces a guy to hook up with another hairy, disgusting man.
As far as NIGGERS are concerned it has to do with skin color(popular beliefs of some) and the last time I checked that has to do with God. So the difference is, it isnt a lifestyle choice.
Dont agree with the hate comment but someones skin color and some dude choosing to smoke another dude isnt the same thing..........FYI
Prejudice is prejudice ASSHOLE (I bet that's spelled right) as is most of the post.
Now you're the one speaking like a Republican.
Are you venturing into the argument that gay is "nature vs. nurture". Religion is a choice also as are religious beliefs. I have a strong faith but I do not force my beliefs onto others or expect others to believe as I do. I also believe it's their rights to live as they want and should not be persecuted in the media because they are a "minority". That's where I am coming from.
You're just a prick....With some shortcomings "MUSCLEMAN".
Give me a break...Leave the mirror and open your eyes to the world.
It's prejudice and in my book I believe it's wrong.
Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.