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Anti Internet Gambling Question

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  • #16

    And we are worried about a FINANCIAL issue..... PLEASE!


    • #17
      I was thinking about opening account until my friend said something about online gambling being illegal. Is this true? Is there someway I can still open an account that is legal? Any suggestions?



      • #18
        as far as getting back into it?
        I have NEVER been in any kind of trouble what so ever. That was my first brush with the law and they made a felony stick. I had NO offer of a plea bargain. If I were to get caught while I'm on probation, I'd be looking at 1 - 4 years. If they just took money and didn't give me a felony, I wouldn't have missed a beat, I'd still be booking. There are people that get away with a lot worse things then booking and are back in the courts time after time without doing any jail time. The way I see it, 18 months and counting, I'll be back


        • #19
          There's no excuse for us letting our government tell US what we can do with OUR money. There are a hundred things more harmful to OURSELVES and OTHERS that are completely legal. They are also more of a drag on our society as far as cost. Examples;

          Smoking -- MUCH more deadly and affects others, unlike gambling
          Riding a motorcycle -- Absolutely more dangerous
          Drinking -- Are you kidding me?
          Working two jobs -- OK, this is a stretch, but you talk about potentially harmful....that's it!
          Driving a car -- not even close
          Flying -- again, not even close
          Playing Bingo -- Just go to your local Bingo hall and watch those old bitties with their lung darts dangling from their lips and you'll see death on a cracker!
          Plastic Surgery -- Aside from Boob Jobs, these other things do less for our economy than anything.

          As far as the financial issue..... RAISING TAXES is BY FAR more damaging to one's bank account than gambling.
          More money is spent on Divorce than gambling. Quit allowing the chick to take all of our money every time she says "I Don't Anymore!!"

          Funny, but the horse tracks are proliferating like weeds in this country. Because they got in on the ground floor and are in the pockets of politicians.

          People just have to stand up and smack these politcos around. But they have to do it in a force to be respected. A small group doesn't have the power, because the Gov't can fuck you all they want.
          Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!


          • #20

            How did you get nailed? A client give you up? Tha sucks!
            Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!

