get em in mUle----I always appreciate and look for your plays, but, the Old Kapt would like to ask you to insert the rotation #'s for me and others.....Makes it easier for me to find, especially on a hi scheduled day....
With that said, keep em coming with or without rotation #'s my man----was just a suggestion for you to ponder....
get em in mUle----I always appreciate and look for your plays, but, the Old Kapt would like to ask you to insert the rotation #'s for me and others.....Makes it easier for me to find, especially on a hi scheduled day....
With that said, keep em coming with or without rotation #'s my man----was just a suggestion for you to ponder....
I'm on 2 of those NBA games also----kapt
Kaptain.....i'll try. I'm normally posting in a hurry in the morning before I go to work. If I remember, i'll add the rotation numbers beginning tomorrow.