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Cubs and former Notre Dame receiver agree to $10 million, 5-year deal

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  • #16
    i cant blame him for the decision. he had a good stint in class a ball last year, it's a nice payday, and he is projected to impact their rotation in 2008. . . barring injury.
    however, as a cowboy fan, i was hoping he would be around for us as a viable option to replace TO and give us a chance to improve the offensive line via free agency.
    CBB 17-16-1


    • #17
      Originally posted by ackangeroo
      i cant blame him for the decision. he had a good stint in class a ball last year, it's a nice payday, and he is projected to impact their rotation in 2008. . . barring injury.
      however, as a cowboy fan, i was hoping he would be around for us as a viable option to replace TO and give us a chance to improve the offensive line via free agency.
      I would take him over an overpaid T.O. in a heart beat. You could pair him with Romo for 10 years and have a solid, experienced Glenn on the other side for a good 2-3 more years.


      • #18
        could not agree more. he has the necessary swagger and seems like he would be a nice fit in any clubhouse, but it's all for not now. good luck to him and the cubbies!
        CBB 17-16-1


        • #19
          Originally posted by wayne1218
          Very Surprising to me that he chose baseball
          Wayne,. i think in the long run guys can make a lot more money in baseball, football players now only live til 60's, and baseball has a lot more money to throw at you, is he a starter or what? anyone know?


          • #20
            Unless you are a top flight QB prospect for the NFL you are better off rotting a major league bench somewhere

            No sport on earth pays like bases and its players have the longest wouldve been the most stupid decision for him to choose football

            Lets say he was a 1st rounder in the NFL and he gets 1 million per season (thats what most first round non QB who arent top 5 picks get)..........if he sucks he is out out of the league in 2-3 years and wont even get his contract paid out

            If he sucks in bases he keeps the 10 mill and can always come and give foots a shot alas Drew Henson (that guy sucked in both professionally but I bet hes still set for life with the Yanks $$)




            • #21
              Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp
              Unless you are a top flight QB prospect for the NFL you are better off rotting a major league bench somewhere

              No sport on earth pays like bases and its players have the longest wouldve been the most stupid decision for him to choose football

              Lets say he was a 1st rounder in the NFL and he gets 1 million per season (thats what most first round non QB who arent top 5 picks get)..........if he sucks he is out out of the league in 2-3 years and wont even get his contract paid out

              If he sucks in bases he keeps the 10 mill and can always come and give foots a shot alas Drew Henson (that guy sucked in both professionally but I bet hes still set for life with the Yanks $$)


              If he sucks in foots and is out in 2-3 years, doesn't he still have baseball to fall back on at age 24??? I'm also on the other side and think he would be a great receiver.


              • #22
                Originally posted by wayne1218
                If he sucks in foots and is out in 2-3 years, doesn't he still have baseball to fall back on at age 24??? I'm also on the other side and think he would be a great receiver.
                NFL draft is a crap shoot Wayne.....look at C Rogers and Mike Williams with the Lions? Nobody knows.....I would take the 10 million and run......its not like hes fucked by making either choice......they are both great options and he is lucky to have them.

                The same can be said for bases and being a bust as its much tougher to crack the majors in bases but the 10 million is guarunteed....If he was my son Id tell him to play MLB



                • #23
                  Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp
                  NFL draft is a crap shoot Wayne.....look at C Rogers and Mike Williams with the Lions? Nobody knows.....I would take the 10 million and run......its not like hes fucked by making either choice......they are both great options and he is lucky to have them.

                  The same can be said for bases and being a bust as its much tougher to crack the majors in bases but the 10 million is guarunteed....If he was my son Id tell him to play MLB

                  C'mon dude ..... Using the Lions and Matt Millen as an example is ... Sorry, i choked on my coffee and couldn't read beyond that.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by wayne1218
                    C'mon dude ..... Using the Lions and Matt Millen as an example is ... Sorry, i choked on my coffee and couldn't read beyond that.
                    If the Lions didnt draft them somebody else wouldve....and right around where they went......sure M Millen is stupid but thats not the point I was getting at

                    My point was being a first round prospect doesnt mean you are going to be a star or even a decent WR

                    I can find busts all over the NFL of former first round picks at any position......not just the ones M Millen picked



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp
                      If the Lions didnt draft them somebody else wouldve....and right around where they went......sure M Millen is stupid but thats not the point I was getting at

                      My point was being a first round prospect doesnt mean you are going to be a star or even a decent WR

                      I can find busts all over the NFL of former first round picks at any position......not just the ones M Millen picked

                      If you can run a route and catch a ball with the skills he has, i feel you can do it at any level when it's thrown to you. There is no guarantee he will be able to get Major League hitting out. Hell, Single A doesn't mean much and for every mike Williams you give me who was a "Star" when drafted, i can give you two P Brien Taylor's (Overall no. 1 pick by the Yankees).


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by wayne1218
                        If you can run a route and catch a ball with the skills he has, i feel you can do it at any level when it's thrown to you. There is no guarantee he will be able to get Major League hitting out. Hell, Single A doesn't mean much and for every mike Williams you give me who was a "Star" when drafted, i can give you two P Brien Taylor's (Overall no. 1 pick by the Yankees).
                        Hes not gonna sniff 10 million in the NFL unless he becomes a baseball hes already been given it.......its a fairly easy choice to make



                        • #27
                          Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp
                          Hes not gonna sniff 10 million in the NFL unless he becomes a baseball hes already been given it.......its a fairly easy choice to make

                          He would triple that with commercial deals that he won't get in A or AA Baseball.

                          Besides, we are not talking about QB's or Drew Henson here. The QB position is the hardest one to learn and many have failed. WR (Which is what jeff is) is different. I'm pretty sure last time i checked that M. Williams problems came off the field and not on and that would explain why he never had a chance to play and show them. A damn QB was getting more playing time at WR than he was. It had nothing to do with his "ONFIELD" play. Work ethic? Maybe ...


                          • #28
                            #7 Troy Williamson

                            #27 Roddy White

                            #9 Reggie Williams

                            #15 M Clayton (TB)

                            #29 M Jenkins

                            #31 Rashaun Woods

                            #2 C Rogers

                            these are just a few of the past 4 drafts first round picks who didnt amount to much......these guys will be lucky to fulfill their rookie deal and GL gettin a deal more than 1 year next time



                            • #29
                              Originally posted by MtrCtyPimp
                              #7 Troy Williamson (A Speed Burner they took a chance on)

                              #27 Roddy White (Plays with Mike Vick ... Enough said)

                              #9 Reggie Williams (Reggie Williams? Are you friggin' seriously comparing him to Jeff?)

                              #15 M Clayton (TB) (Was doing real good with Chris, nobody did anything with Brad G.)

                              #29 M Jenkins (Plays with Mike Vick ... Enough said)

                              #31 Rashaun Woods (Not even comparable to Jeff's Skills)

                              #2 C Rogers (Injuriy Prone AKA Mark Prior)

                              these are just a few of the past 4 drafts first round picks who didnt amount to much......these guys will be lucky to fulfill their rookie deal and GL gettin a deal more than 1 year next time

                              Can you give me some that are at least equal in talent to Jeff? Please??


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by wayne1218
                                He would triple that with commercial deals that he won't get in A or AA Baseball.

                                Besides, we are not talking about QB's or Drew Henson here. The QB position is the hardest one to learn and many have failed. WR (Which is what jeff is) is different. I'm pretty sure last time i checked that M. Williams problems came off the field and not on and that would explain why he never had a chance to play and show them. A damn QB was getting more playing time at WR than he was. It had nothing to do with his "ONFIELD" play. Work ethic? Maybe ...
                                FYI you dont get much from commericial playin in the NFL because most of the time people dont know what 95% of the players even look like........the only way you can tell a football player on the street is by assuming it based on size and build........I can assure most sports fans can recognize every baseball player and basketball player.

                                Trust me J Samrdzja would get hardly endorsement many things have you seen DeMario Williams or Vince Young endorse and they were 1 and 3 from last year.


