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  • #31
    Originally posted by Coach_G
    Hey TwoTon, agree 100 % on your last sentence

    how is business ?

    closed on my 1st commercial deal this week.....Which is very good since i am new to this area....thank you for asking....good luck coach


    • #32
      Originally posted by TwoTonTony
      closed on my 1st commercial deal this week.....Which is very good since i am new to this area....thank you for asking....good luck coach

      Keep up the good work


      • #33
        I know plenty of bookies .... none waste their time posting plays on some internet 've said in the past-your phones are ringing off the hook...why would you play any games on your own ? maybe pass some action off, but if your as big time as you think you are-where do you find time on the internet forums..... I booked for 6 years until I got married and had 3 kids... I was small in the midwest, had about 24-32 players and didn't have time for nothing.... I find this really hard to believe......


        • #34
          r u kidding me. u are a book and u r wasting your time here. lmao you are a fraud and a loser. what oes my 37 post have to do with anything.

          a book and he is here tauting plays

          lmao lmao lmao lmao


          • #35
            booking is not like it used to be, papers all over the desk and floor, three phones ringing, now a lot of guys have the off shores take and track their customers, then all they have to do is chase the people who lose, and then even more they have people who do that for them...........


            • #36
              all I have to say....

              It's always noon somewhere!

              My Fish and Aquariums

              Griffey's Posted Record


              • #37
       much for not posting and just "checking" in every once in awhile????
                It's always noon somewhere!

                My Fish and Aquariums

                Griffey's Posted Record


                • #38
                  Originally posted by griffey_mojo
         much for not posting and just "checking" in every once in awhile????
                  ps so much for not being jealous of me


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by linemover
                    ps so much for not being jealous of me


                    • #40
                      Jealous of a guy whose whole life revolves around gambling. Get a Grip and stop telling people they are jealous of you it makes you look pitiful


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by diesel
                        Jealous of a guy whose whole life revolves around gambling. Get a Grip and stop telling people they are jealous of you it makes you look pitiful
                        Diesel you seem like a bright guy and whether you choose to believe it or not most if not all of these nagative attacks are brought on jealousy.

                        Not jealousy as in normal terms such as money and wealth or looks but in EGO......many didnt like when he called attention to himself and yet worse they hated it more when he was winning (you cant attack a winner, can you?)

                        Unfortunately for Blake he kept calling attention more and more and then attacked a Mod on the site......unfortunatelty that released the dogs on him in an attempt to do away with him (nobody wants an attention whore on the site, right?).....

                        So Diesel what I am saying is this is a comepetition for attention and thats what whoever attacks him is jealous of.......the likes of C Griswold and Chimma attack when they are being provided with losing picks

                        As in any sport all is well when you win but things can go south in a hurry when you lose........

                        In the end trust me all of this stems from jealousy.......why I dont know but thats how these gambling forums work......people fight for attention and when they dont get it they start posting more outlandish Blake is trying to get his attenton back (hence the GOY all the time)

                        I hope I was clear


