yes in a nutshell. but its really cause the NFL is obsessed with the manning family. TV and i also hate that his old man
dictated where his hack son Eli was gonna go in the draft. i mean any dad/mom should just be proud that their kid got picked, who the fuck is he to say i want my son on a specific team. not to mention Archie was a average QB on a shitty team. F him and F his kids. i hope they never win shit in life!!!!
you know one of the many reasons i hate peyton. watch how many times that tool licks his fingers. i understand walking to the line of scrimmage and licking your fingers, but that fucker is obsessed with doing it. he is licking his fingers while his punter is coming on to punt.
i would give anything to take the gameball and rub my dirty asshole all over it and let that helmut start licking his fingers