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Kaptains "Substantial Differences--Dunkel Only" plays

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  • Kaptains "Substantial Differences--Dunkel Only" plays

    This is based on Dunkel rankings/ratings only....these are the ones with significant differences in Dunkel ratings and Lines.......

    These would be plays using Dunkel only

    129 Ohio St -24
    142 Akron -8...............Big Play
    166 S Car +3 Dunkel rates SC better and they are Dog
    172 Houston +3 1/2....another Dog rated higher
    182 Neb -5
    184 Texas -17 1/2........Big Play
    190 Marshal -5
    194 N Mex St +6 1/2----Dog favored by Dunkel...
    195 Rice +8
    197/198 Az St/Oreg St OVER 46........Big Play
    200 Auburn -31 1/2
    202 Midd Tenn ST -11 1/2..........Big Play

    so Based on what I just posted, the Big plays would be......

    142 Akron -8
    184 Texas -17 1/2
    197/198 Az St/Ore St OVER 46
    202 Midd Tenn St -11 1/2..............

    A good looking 3 team UD Teasers would be

    S Car +10
    Houston + 10 1/2
    N Mex St +16 1/2....................3 team----10 pt teaser......

    Lets see how the straight Dunkel plays do for today.....kapt

    Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!

  • #2
    Interesting stuff, Kappy. Air Force was a 14 point Dunkel choice, and with the line at 6, I believe would have qualified on Friday too.
    You can't always get what you want, but if you try some time, you might find, you get what you need.

