I've been in a great mood all day....I'm on the cards tonight and hope everyone is enjoying this game, and "the office" haha
I just wanted to say that herbstriet is out of line on this end of the quarter drive....petrino did not want WVU to have 3 timeouts and 2 min left....that's suicide. So run run run, make WVU use the time outs....cards get the ball after half so now they have to stop them with 1:36 and no time outs instead of 2 or 3. GREAT coaching by petrino.
I just wanted to say that herbstriet is out of line on this end of the quarter drive....petrino did not want WVU to have 3 timeouts and 2 min left....that's suicide. So run run run, make WVU use the time outs....cards get the ball after half so now they have to stop them with 1:36 and no time outs instead of 2 or 3. GREAT coaching by petrino.