I don't know how his radio show is but his tv show sux. He's a total handjob. I like the fact that he blasts pro athletes but he sounds kind of dorky doing it.
His tv absolutely blows!!! Like Dimer said, his radio show is 100x better!! Give it 2 weeks and you will be a Clone just like the rest of us
Ahhhh..what a great show today... Canada coming in talking smack about our pastime and USA lashing back... Saying what is hockey??? A bunch of dudes on ice skates slapping at a copenhagen tin to put it in a net!!! LOL...classic!!!
Ahhhh..what a great show today... Canada coming in talking smack about our pastime and USA lashing back... Saying what is hockey??? A bunch of dudes on ice skates slapping at a copenhagen tin to put it in a net!!! LOL...classic!!!