Wisc +14 Purdue + 2 1/2 Syracuse -6 1/2 Missouri -22 K St +14 Tenn -21 1/2 Clemson -16 1/2 Fla -23 1/2 Iowa -20 1/2 Fla St -31 Aub -42 1/2 Kent St +7 Navy -4 1/2 Va Tech -26 1/2 BYU -28 Ohio St -16 Iowa St + 24 1/2 Wash St -10 Cal - 7 UCLA -3 1/2 Conn +2 C Mich -4 Wyo +1 UTEP -8 E Car +21 OVER 53 1/2 NC ST +7 Ga -26 1/2 Ala + 2 Army +10 1/2 W Mich -28 Wake +2 1/2 Ks -5 1/2 A&M -23 1/2 UAB -9 1/2 LSU -36 UTAH -6 1/2 Boise St -15 Mich St + 3 1/2 USC -21 Houston +1 Oreg St -23 Ok -29 Mary -18 1/2 Akron -17 1/2 S Car -29 Neb -23 OVER 46 1/2 SMU -5 1/2
lets just see how we do on this BS---kapt
remember---give the Old Kapt an idea of what % you think I'll hit woith this mess......don't try and be nice, be honest.......kapt
I do it every week, cause I analyze every game on the board......I have a take on every game, just don't show it......
I pick plenty enough plays each week to play, went 12-3 on posted plays, and 6-1 on top rated ones......10-2 on last 12 top rated plays, not counting one that was an 8* and just missed qualifying for a 10*.........
I thought it'd be fun to show my opinions on all the games, and glad a lots of you enjoyed it.........
Will do it again next week, just to see how it goes.....
This also lets others know what I think of an individual game, in case they are interested in my unsolicited opinion........
It was fun----kapt
would love to be able to do this every week.....we'ed have one big massive BC Party at my expense