If anyone is favoring Edmonds you may wish to also play the winner from which league prop at National League +135 vs the winner coming from the A.L. at -165....FWIW!
By the way, in an article this morning interviewing Edmonds about the Derby he said he absolutely did not care about it! He prefaced it by saying if he gets hot and hits a bunch to win it fine, if he doesn't hit a single one that's just fine too! Interesting approach to it.....could be psyching the others or could be telling the truth. Either way......just some info you all! GOOD LUCK!! Gv
By the way, in an article this morning interviewing Edmonds about the Derby he said he absolutely did not care about it! He prefaced it by saying if he gets hot and hits a bunch to win it fine, if he doesn't hit a single one that's just fine too! Interesting approach to it.....could be psyching the others or could be telling the truth. Either way......just some info you all! GOOD LUCK!! Gv