i called olympic. i dont have alot of $$$ in there currently b/c i dont bet much MLB, but have been a acct holder with them for 5+ yrs now. they are based out of jamaica. the person on the phone told me they arent going anywhere. US has no jurisdiction over them. and they arent in any jeopardy. worst case senario would be that credit/debit transactions will no longer be accepted. netteller,firepay,fed ex or w.union would be the only options. i believe them as i've never had any problems in the past, but at the same time who knows cause it might just be the "company line"
ps i'm just glad i dont have alot of $$$ tied up any place offshore thats for sure.
PSS if by change these books go down and alot of people lose huge coin WATCH OUT politicans heads will roll and many will be voted out off office. you can fuck with people but not their $$$
ps i'm just glad i dont have alot of $$$ tied up any place offshore thats for sure.
PSS if by change these books go down and alot of people lose huge coin WATCH OUT politicans heads will roll and many will be voted out off office. you can fuck with people but not their $$$