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My "Blog" ... LOL

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  • My "Blog" ... LOL

    Hey guys & Gals!

    I posted in this forum because i DO want views, meaning people have read this.

    This will be my 4th summer here and it is no different than the previous 3. EVERY single summer it gets kind of quiet around here with nothing more than bases. Alot of people simply DON'T bet baseball. We have "Regulars" every year that take a few months off until NFL, College Foots, NBA & College Hoops Start. It is nothing new and it doesn't mean that all kinds of regulars stopped posting for reasons people speculate on daily. Some may, BUT MANY others just don't care for bases or would rather have summer "Family" time.

    I guarantee come football season that there will be 1,000 people here on the 1st Sunday of football. It gets bigger and bigger every year.

    There have been a few disagreements here lately or people just seemingly frustrated for whatever reason. One person in particular has acted as childish as they come and i can say that because i've read the emails. "WE" are done kissing that ass and trying to mold the site to their needs. It is seriously ridiculous.

    To the others (like chuck) who post threads seemingly out of frustration for whatever reason (Today). I say this. Chuck, my brother, there has to be more to it than views or responses 'cause that's NOT you.

    I never sugar coat my thoughts here and never have. We have an "Open Door" policy and will help any member we can with any problem BUT, if we don't know it exists, it is hard to help.

    I'll be the 1ST to ever admit here than when i 1st signed up in 2002, i thought views, responses, and love was what made you a key member here. ANYONE that says they didn't look at the views even sub-conciously (<--- Spelling ?) when they 1st came here is not telling the truth. If you post DAILY and get no views or responses, it does kind of feel like you are wasting your time OR not liked very well. It's a normal feeling and it does feel different than getting 1,000 views and 50 Good Lucks.

    I seriously just don't care anymore. Some days i post plays and it quickly falls to page 3 with limited views and responses. Unlike in the beginning, it's O.K.

    I post, just to let people here know what i'm playing. If they like it, like to just look at it, OR want to fade it, that's up to them. My records in some sports have been downright HORRIBLE and that's probably a GREAT fade! That's why my records are posted, so YOU can decide. I've been updating them every 1-2 weeks during the summer.

    Some people used to think i posted all my different sports in several posts during the day just to bump my thread. The truth is that i've used my own kind of "Format" for posting each sport for years. I use the footballs, basketballs and so on to let you see how many units i'm risking. It is a style i like to call my own and have used it as my "Posting Personality" here for years. I can't put them all in post one because you cannot use more than 10 smiley posts in each post. I also look at what time each sport starts and cap them here or there throughout the day. I play ALOT of sports and it takes forever trying to do everything at once.

    Summer is truly a grind with bases. Take some time here and there to refresh the head.

    Last thing. Some posters here who do NOTHING but add negative crap into threads ARE about to get a warning 1st and a release 2nd. I'm here ALOT and have been daily for years. With that said, i could go into MANY threads and post negative thoughts or call people out on records OR just dispute something they've said or done. I've done it in the past when things get out of hand but i don't do it nearly as often as i could. People like mmw are in for a wake up call soon. People who are fairly new, don't post plays often, and run their mouths consistantly will be shut down. Like i said, i could say alot more too but choose NOT to, so take that advice. Others, i have NO INTEREST in defending because i have 100 reasons NOT to care!

    All thoughts are welcomed and appreciated!

    If you have a problem, email us, please!
    Last edited by wayne1218; 07-08-2006, 01:23 PM.

  • #2
    Kudos my friend.......
    Remember the three R's:
    Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.


    • #3
      Well Said.
      2007 BCS and 2009 BCS CHAMPS


      • #4
        good luck


        • #5
          good post wayne!


          • #6


            • #7
              Just post some plays DAMN IT

              Fuck Ive also been here for four Summers........things have changed in my life also........I used to come and post half assed drunk after a late night at the bar when I was 25 and now at 28 Im married and will have my first kid in a month. Shit does change and the drama and good times will continue to roll. Its the nature of the beast.......I love when some try and tame it like they have control. Fucken Morons.....I obviously love this board or I wouldnt have still been here.



              • #8
                Originally posted by wayne1218
                Last thing. Some posters here who do NOTHING but add negative crap into threads ARE about to get a warning 1st and a release 2nd.

                Wayne Is About To Lay The Smack Down On Someone!!!!
                "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


                • #9
                  nice job wayne
                  I AM A NITWIT


                  • #10
                    Like I have said many times ... Wayne my friend, you missed your calling in life .. should have been a writer ... excellent post ..

                    Now my feelings .. the ones who cause troubles are from other sites .. I have always said that and I will stand behind it .. I agree that we need a forum with more than good lucks in it ... but the snide remarks are no good ..

                    That is why I was considering on making a no-holds-barred forum like other sites have ... where you have a problem with someone you take it to that forum ... this way this shit will stay out of the threads ... but I can see that would never work here ... again partner, nice post ...


                    • #11
                      Great post.Agree 100% ..I only been here a few months and enjoy it alot..I rarely posts plays.. But follow a lot of Cappers here..I will began posting my plays after the allstar break>>


                      • #12
                        Blog #2

                        One thing i left out was this. I would bet that 75% or more of the problems that members here have with others, comes from another site.

                        If you look at most of the people bitching, complaining, whining, or just unhappy here, you will see it is usually because of what someone said, did, or posted at another site.

                        Personally, i don't go to other sites and i think it's too bad for the others who don't either because they have to hear all the crap that goes on there. They don't go there for a reason and really shouldn't have to see or hear it.

                        You say don't open the thread but you never know until you get there. Sometimes people like certain posters and enjoy reading their threads but the daily crime reports or bitching and moaning wears you out. This goes for everything. Even people saying picks are being stolen, lied about, or used as their own, it ALWAYS involves another site!

                        I just don't care about other places and people here often blame new members as someone they don't get along with at another site. The fact is, we check most of these guys and get rid of them when it happens. Other times, it is someone you've never talked to that just gets sick of reading the crap!

                        I know it must be hard for the many of you who do visit multiple sites like this because i'm sure each board has many personalities. I have seen many others and compared to them, i think we do a damn good job. I could quickly name about 5 of them that are totally out of control and many others that have zero atmosphere.

                        All we can do is worry about what actually happens "HERE". We are quick to cut people off who get out of hand but we do give people who have opinions their opinion. If it isn't vulgar laced or personal, we usually let it play out. It is gambling and there will always be tension around losing money. Good Luck's everywhere are great but we do want people to be able to ask questions or criticize if it is warranted and done in a respectful manner.


                        • #13
                          To Blog # 2.

                          I could care less about any other site. This is MY HOME, and I'm here to stay!!!!

                          PS ... I'm actually being accused of stealing the plays I'm posting now ... And I can care less about the prick who is saying it too
                          "Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'
                          is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'"


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Lsufan
                            To Blog # 2.

                            I could care less about any other site. This is MY HOME, and I'm here to stay!!!!

                            PS ... I'm actually being accused of stealing the plays I'm posting now ... And I can care less about the prick who is saying it too
                            Jimmy, I just have NO INTEREST in going somewhere else and saying ... "Hi, My name is wayne1218!"

                            I don't even have the urge to go read elsewhere. The time i do give to the computer is spent here or reading up on games. I just don't care to take MORE time to read crap from other boards. I just don't!


                            • #15
                              i signed up here 2 years ago after charlie found this place....he kept telling me how good this guy tony soprano was, so thats what brought me here....this place is great...i have visited a couple other places and they all suck compared to bc IMO. This is the only gambling forum i go to....i have made a lot of friends as well....even got to play golf with a few guys from here....i wonder how many other boards do that kind of stuff.

