you guys can all suck my dick-i havent been voted for once-gosh-you guys are idiots-REMEMBER VOTE FOR PEDRO AND IF YOUR LIPS ARE HURTING BORROW SOME CHAPSTICK FROM THE SCHOOL NURSE-NAPOLEON CHUNGAMITE!!
CLOSE THE POLLS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm ready to hand over the crown! We need to have a ceremony!!
WAIT A MINUTE!! All that hard campaining and 1 vote to show for it??? There are some real worthy assholes here, but 1 vote???? What's wrong with you people?? :angryfire We can't close the poll until I get at least 1 more vote...I would kiss prolific's feet, bad luck who's laughing now you gotta be up at least $200 after today!!!
Vote for me OR ELSE I will blow up my ex Two Ton Toni's pussy, use that as my avatar and post more than Spark!!
BTW.. thank you in advance!
"That ain't working, that's the way you do it... get your money for nothing and your picks for free"
Thanks all heres my asshole acceptance speech:
Id like to thank the little people such as garys penis
Id like to thank ivory or else spark wouldnt have teeth
Id like to thank gay men or else RJ would still be asshole of the month
Id like to thank chinese janitors
Id like to thank chuck for the tanning tips
Id like to thank BHS for the names of milfs to bang
Id like to thank frank for introducing me to lesbian avatars
Id like to thank kmann for letting me bring tranvestites on his pirate ship
FINALLY Id like to thank lovedoc and rwall for teaching me how to play the keyboard with my penis ::tears up::