I hope the POS that insisted on bringing every1 back to the court for a game that was over (to decide his ATS ticket) dies a slow painful death.
It was the same ref that made the questionable call on Wright for his 3rd in the 1h also made that last call.
Was it a foul...ABSOLUTELY !!!!!!
My problem with it....The ref standing 2 feet away from the players let it go. Prior to the foul they could have called a jump ball tie up with 2 -3 secs left and they let it go..no whistle.. Then some cum swallowing muther fuking ref that wasn't anywhere near the play decides it was a foul about 5 seconds AFTER the horn sounded. Anytime you have to bring the teams out of the locker room to shoot free throw when the game is over and the only thing that could be decided is the spread....ITS FUKING FISHY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!
The foul was called 10 seconds after the actual foul occurred !
That's bullshit...If you are gonna swallow your whistle..then choke on it
Team is devastated and in tears and you force them to come out of the locker room ? For what ??
Why not blow the whistle and shoot the fuking free throws immediately...Why did it take 2-3 mins ?????
Not to mention Utah got fuked in the ass all game by calls. That horrendous call that gave Utahs best player his 3rd foul 5 mins b4 the half was huuuuuge !!!
Not to mention the blocking call with about 1.5 minutes left when the duke guard lowered his shoulder and smashed into Utahs 150 pound guard and sent him flying about 20 feet
Coach K after 30 years still getting his cock sucked by the refs... Its disgusting....Pun intended !!!!
what kind of classless bitch drags a team back on the court after handshakes for sake of extending lead (in a gm that over!). It no wonder ncaa toying w idea of extended restricted area, if their refs can't make a judgment call as simple as running out clock obviously they not qualified to say what a charge is.
what kind of classless bitch drags a team back on the court after handshakes for sake of extending lead (in a gm that over!). It no wonder ncaa toying w idea of extended restricted area, if their refs can't make a judgment call as simple as running out clock obviously they not qualified to say what a charge is.
Well, it sounds like I should be glad I didn't get to see that one! I had Duke last night simply because officials always seem to favor Coach K's teams. That sure doesn't make it any less disgraceful, though.