I sure am thirsty for some winners today as I went 0 fer 3 yesterday. I will try and post later tonight or tomorrow but I just hope you can read it as I will be starting early today. Enjoy the games.
712 UNC over 135....................3*
713 Georgia St +9....................3*
718 ND over 141......................4*
719 Texas -2...........................5*
732 SMU under 132'.................3*
734 Utah -7.............................3*
735 E Wash +8........................4*
735 E Wash over 147................3*
Record thru 3/18
5* 1-0
4* 3-5
3* 9-8
2* 0-0
5* 0-3
4* 3-1
3* 17-8
2* 0-0
712 UNC over 135....................3*
713 Georgia St +9....................3*
718 ND over 141......................4*
719 Texas -2...........................5*
732 SMU under 132'.................3*
734 Utah -7.............................3*
735 E Wash +8........................4*
735 E Wash over 147................3*
Record thru 3/18
5* 1-0
4* 3-5
3* 9-8
2* 0-0
5* 0-3
4* 3-1
3* 17-8
2* 0-0