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Who Represents the AFC in the Super Bowl this Season?

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  • #16
    NE also lost draft picks, better check with your inept stat boy.

    Its comical how you put Quotes around the stuff they were busted for, "Scandal" "Breaking Rules" as if that makes it questionable, or it didn't happen. It wasn't taping a team, again you try and minimize the transgressions. He was illegally taping the league; he had a guy on staff who's sole responsibility was to cheat.

    And until proven otherwise, Titles won after being a proven cheater will exist only in your mind, Dude!


    • #17
      Well, there goes my theory.

      ESP* has a similiar pool. With nearly 40,000 votes, they have:

      NE 40%
      Pgh 30%
      Jets 9%
      Ravens 8%
      Other 13%

      I guess you're right. My blinding hate of Bellacheat won't let me recognize that he's assembled a pretty good team! LOL

      At least my Steelers are getting some love there, unlike my sole vote here!!!


      • #18
        Pittsburgh has been new englands bitch in the postseason for 10 years now every time they play. Is that why you are so bitter? Google super bowl champs buddy. You will see new england still listed with those 3 and no * next to any of them. I know that pains you.

        We should take away all your steeler titles too because the whole team was roided up in the 70s and 80s. Its easy to see how they won now too!


        • #19
          I used to hate the steelers but now I love them because brady gives them A2M every time they meet in the postseason!


          • #20
            All I know is the Steelers have WON 2 additional Super Bowls since your Pats have won a playoff GAME.

            And as you say, there are no * on any of the Steelers SIX Super Bowl Trophies. That's right SIX, just like, er, eh. Oh yes, like no one else in the history of the Super Bowl.

            We'll see you clowns on Haloween this year!! LOL


            • #21
              Interesting ... so now you are defending your steelers too huh? Funny how that works and like I said, everything in sports is tainted if you dig deep enough!

              Yes, you have 2 sb's since the patriots last one. Hopefully ben dedicated one to each girl he raped!


              • #22
                Big difference between Ben and Bellecheat.

                Ben is alleged, Bill is convicted.


                • #23
                  That's funny, rape is now ok and cheating by videotape is not. Ben was suspended 4 games and bill was suspended how many games? That would be zero. Both were alleged in a court of law. Bill was never questioned by police about anything. Was ben?

                  You are right about 1 thing, you can't compare the 2. One cheats and one rapes. Keep backing your rapist qb buddy!


                  • #24
                    Well I'm glad that you can finally at least admit you back a Cheater.


                    • #25
                      They try to get an edge in every sport from football to nascar and as the old saying goes, if you ain't cheating you ain't trying. I guess in pittsburgh the saying is if you ain't raping you ain't ... what?


                      • #26
                        I may be raping but I ain't taping!



                        That's something to be proud about!


                        • #27
                          Poor guy. Just when we had a break through and you were able to admit you back a cheater with out any quotes or anything, you're right back to trying to justify the behavior by saying everyone else does, so its ok.

                          Now you're trying to make light of a horrible crime like rape? Pittsburgh has sayings about rape? Truely classless.

                          I'll debate sports with anyone, but I'm not sinking to your level for this one.

                          I thought you were better than that.


                          • #28
                            Better than what? I hate rapists and you defend him. Who is the sicko here?


                            • #29
                              Wow, what color is the sky in your little world?

                              You're really dillusional to make any statement like that.

                              I'm getting off your crazy train.



                              • #30
                                You ain't raping if she ain't talking. Is that one right?

