2005 BaseBall Record- :
100= 37-21 200= 23-17 300= 12-15 400= 6-3
500= 4-2 600= 4-1 1000= 4-1
90-59 on Totals Alone
12-4 on 500 and above plays
I and several followers (Sandman was one) won over 10 grand in a week on my totals alone! I will never forget it!
100= 37-21 200= 23-17 300= 12-15 400= 6-3
500= 4-2 600= 4-1 1000= 4-1
90-59 on Totals Alone
12-4 on 500 and above plays
I and several followers (Sandman was one) won over 10 grand in a week on my totals alone! I will never forget it!