First of all ..... Welcome and I am a old dog at this stuff . I have been entertaining this business for many many years and if I wasnt fairly decent at it by now I would be a complete failure .
Thanks for your interest in the sport , and given time and paying your dues anyone can be a successful capper at this . I got started around 1956 ( a very unlawful wager
) and decided to make this my lifes calling . My first love is the dogs themselves , granted they have given myself and my family a very good life but it took alot of work , education , time , and eating & sleeping with them for over 40 years now .
I started quite unlike most people , meaning I got into the breeding and selling at first . This afforded my meeting several people who by mutual attraction drew me into wagering them from time to time . Once the bug was in place I took it to the next level and studied under the tutelage of a now deceased ( and deeply missed ) old gent that was in my opinion the finest at this the world has ever seen .
He was known from coast-to-coast in this bizz and his connections plus his savvy (not counting his masterery of wage structuring) was and is still unmatched today . Sure there are some fine cappers out there that do quite well like Marcel and his " Wofs " method ( ) and a few others , but they rely on the partnership angle and share all wagers and losses with thier respective partners . This in turn steals the thunder and forces you to give away half of your bigger hits , which are needed because a average nite at the track with me and my style can cost you upwards of six to eight hundred a nite per track (depending of course) .
I came here a year ago because a dear friend of mine told me about this site , and she and two other ladies has since left and never returned because of the children that reside here from time to time and they are of the mind to not put up with it , They dont have to and I respect thier views but I in turn told them that I could make a difference here and maybe find that nugget or two that would pan-out and make the grade .
Needless to say I have weathered some pretty nasty storms but managed to come away unscathed and it tact . Why ? I have to think that my gender and knowing that I would ultimately prevail caused me to stick it out , and my willingness to help others has no limits !
In closing I will express my views on this game .
I need no one !
I want everyone !
I am very scared of failure !
I owe it to everyone !
And last but not least , We all deserve a chance !
I do this for a living and that gives me a different look at it , I have a very select few that have been on my boat for many years now and I dont think they are looking to jump ship at the moment . So just ask and if I can I will , if I cant I wont .
Thanks for your time , and please dont be a stranger
Thanks for your interest in the sport , and given time and paying your dues anyone can be a successful capper at this . I got started around 1956 ( a very unlawful wager

I started quite unlike most people , meaning I got into the breeding and selling at first . This afforded my meeting several people who by mutual attraction drew me into wagering them from time to time . Once the bug was in place I took it to the next level and studied under the tutelage of a now deceased ( and deeply missed ) old gent that was in my opinion the finest at this the world has ever seen .
He was known from coast-to-coast in this bizz and his connections plus his savvy (not counting his masterery of wage structuring) was and is still unmatched today . Sure there are some fine cappers out there that do quite well like Marcel and his " Wofs " method ( ) and a few others , but they rely on the partnership angle and share all wagers and losses with thier respective partners . This in turn steals the thunder and forces you to give away half of your bigger hits , which are needed because a average nite at the track with me and my style can cost you upwards of six to eight hundred a nite per track (depending of course) .
I came here a year ago because a dear friend of mine told me about this site , and she and two other ladies has since left and never returned because of the children that reside here from time to time and they are of the mind to not put up with it , They dont have to and I respect thier views but I in turn told them that I could make a difference here and maybe find that nugget or two that would pan-out and make the grade .
Needless to say I have weathered some pretty nasty storms but managed to come away unscathed and it tact . Why ? I have to think that my gender and knowing that I would ultimately prevail caused me to stick it out , and my willingness to help others has no limits !
In closing I will express my views on this game .
I need no one !
I want everyone !
I am very scared of failure !
I owe it to everyone !
And last but not least , We all deserve a chance !
I do this for a living and that gives me a different look at it , I have a very select few that have been on my boat for many years now and I dont think they are looking to jump ship at the moment . So just ask and if I can I will , if I cant I wont .
Thanks for your time , and please dont be a stranger
