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Kill Bill

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  • Kill Bill

    i cant help myself, these quotes we've been throw'n around have got my brain working ovr.time !!! thinking of you gal pal.

    " Nothing is more embarrassing as watching some1 do something that you said couldnt be done."
    its easy to get good players.. gett'n em to play together thats the hard part.. casey stengel

  • #2
    Luv2 :

    Last Nite :

    Flagler = + 2500.00
    Palm Beach = - 650.00 ( Disaster )
    Tampa = + 650.00
    Jacksonville = + 2800.00
    Phoenix = + 1400.00
    Dairyland = + 2000.00 ( not posted , but that was my share as we gals hit the parking lot )

    $6500.00$ worth of documented action in one evening , and it gets 32 hits .......... leaves one to wonder why they even gamble in the first place . Should just donate to a worthy cause and get it over with !

    It can be done


    Last edited by MemphisMafia; 07-03-2004, 05:14 PM.
    " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


    • #3

      just a hiatus. havent been plying ,lol needed alittle R&R. the bases are just a disaster .the cards get the broom job by the 1eyed bandits. geezz. i feel like i had my pocket picked.
      MMM the work you do is incredible !!
      ONLY 32 VIEWS !! how about some friendly advice? listen closely ill only say this once !!!

      Last edited by Luv2Play2; 07-03-2004, 07:00 PM.
      its easy to get good players.. gett'n em to play together thats the hard part.. casey stengel


      • #4
        Thats :

        P.T. Barnum stuff , and I leave that to the kids .

        100 Million *
        GO Your Life
        Hottest Game
        GO Your Hot Chicks Life

        And on on on , it proves the point I have expressed many times and that is :

        People Want Jerry Springer for Pez !


        " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


        • #5
          THE HOLIDAY is near

          TO ALL: be carefull , be safe, enjoy, get a DH, and GL:cool:
          its easy to get good players.. gett'n em to play together thats the hard part.. casey stengel

