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When Is Enough / Enough ?

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  • When Is Enough / Enough ?

    I can let the crowd here assume what this means , but being we are gamblers (at least some) . What are the odds of me changing my logo to " Kicken Back " and the Forum Madman post this the same day :

    ( Quote )

    Ever notice when you kick back, your leg gets broken???????

    I tender this only because along with others he has attacked (virtual-wise) and the massive discomfort he give (MOST) of the forum , and its been expressed many times by many members .

    How Long Does This Behavior Get Condoned ?

    Being I am of the female gender , does this make him a big man around here . And coupled along with the absolute " HUNDREDS "
    of times he has soon very anti-social behavior , when are we to believe that hes finally gone off the deep-end ?

    I will not let him win this childish battle he has undertaken and he will not run me off ( Done-Deal ) . Instead I will take matters into my own hands here and apply more grief in his direction then he ever dreamed of towards me . He really is delusional and needs medical help and Im the one that will see to it he gets it (even if its forced on him ) .

    I no longer await help from anyone here as I have the ball now and I will run with it straight to the people who can help him with his problems :

    Kicken Back , produces broken legs ?

    It also produces phone numbers like :

    (518) 885-2263 - District Attorney ( James A Murphy III )
    (518) 884-4795 - Probation & Parole
    Corcraft Products (Div. of State Industries) " License Plates "
    (518) 584-1800 Police Dept.
    ISP = Location
    1461 Union Ave = Supposed Location
    25 West High St = Location of Folks you dont want to locate !
    Ballston Spa & 480 Broadway = The Same
    Mayor Michael Lenz = The Same
    110th Assembly District Rep. James Tedisco = The Same
    State Senator Joesph Bruno = The Same
    U.S. House of Reps John Sweeny ( 22nd Dist ) = The Same
    City Hall (518) 587-3550

    Get the Picture or you need some more help getting to where your about to go ?

    Easy on the threats ..... Pilgrim !

    And PS : Thats doing ones Homework and theres plenty more that Im not about to let you know I am aware of cause I love a good ambush also !

    Let it go , and you will live a better life . This is good advise !
    " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "

  • #2
    there is an

    opinion posted in his thread by me. all who read it knows what he was saying. BULLSHIT
    its easy to get good players.. gett'n em to play together thats the hard part.. casey stengel


    • #3
      How about both parties stop right now.


      • #4
        BC :

        I stand on , I didnt start anything in the first place and for the sake of respect to you I will not use everything I have gathered up , but I will not throw it away either !

        If one was to look a little deeper into this , it is quite obvious as to what has taken place . Recently a " certain member " has been spending a lot of time going thru back posts , and thanks to your site set-up its real easy to figure out where they are and where they aint also .

        It just so happens this member was ranted about the other nite in several posts here (by you know who) that I warned where not going to be allowed (but they kept coming) , one after another , on & on I kept deleting them hoping it would stop .

        I will not stand in anyway for this to harm whats been built here , but I fear I am not the problem " only the object of it " . It doesnt take a detective to figure out who started this and it was stated by me days ahead of time that the hair on the back of my neck was standing-up and " Wammo " , was I right !

        I didnt have to wave a magic wand on this one , it was coming no matter what you or I or anybody did and I knew it many days in advance . I in turn wont try to resolve this with childish dingleberry remarks or glass-house crap ..... I have very valid info that I would have never gone after had the threats not surfaced and the mud-slinging started by another " not me " . I cant or shouldnt be held in contempt for posting some valuable info for all to use , That I say in advance is not mine , but is ignored because of temper tantrums . But my hair , my dogs , my legs , and a vast array of other accusations that took place , will not be tolerated just because theres a bond between the " the member " and the mad-monk .

        A losing day might have had something to do with it , I dont know ? But I do know this Sir , I was having a great day and so where those who played the horses and dogs supllied here . And " Out of Nowhere " came all thats transpired since and I will not in anyway accept blame for this incident ( it will happen again , trust-me ..... I know two legged critters fairly good also ) and I fear for your not taking a far more firm approach to this , it will come back to haunt you .

        But after all this , I will do as you wish and leave it be because I gained nothing from it anyway nor did I want it !

        From now on , hes your problem and please advise him to not get within a stones throw of me and to just leave me alone . Thats two strikes so far and I for one pray the third doesnt get tossed !

        In closing I give my most profound apologies to any who might have been offended by his actions and lets hope for the best and get on with our lifes .
        Posted by :

        ************ :

        MLB Wednesday
        Looks like I pull the trigger again.....

        SEATTLE+115 (.)(.) (.)(.) 5 Hot Chicks

        "LET IT GO"

        Best of Luck


        Last edited by BettorsChat on 06-30-2004 at 08:45 PM


        Horse forum
        would you stop using that language


        Last edited by BettorsChat on 07-05-2004 at 06:00 PM

        I will use this space to log his complete refusal to listen to you , Sir !

        Seems you have lost interest in this forum, I'm really sorry to see it. Seemed you where the glue that held this place together. If I have been a part of your decision to lose interest in here, I'm sorry.
        I know we haven't always seen eye to eye in the past, but one thing I can say, I do have respect for you.

        Brother Wayne, take care!!!
        Best Of Luck


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        07-11-2004 05:33 PM

        BettorsChat Veteran

        Registered: Apr 2003
        Location: State of confusion
        Posts: 3774
        MM = Mega Mouth
        Sweeping out the trash?????
        How can that be possible when your so busy riding your broom you witch....
        You stupid old lady, you just don't know enough to STFU


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        07-11-2004 07:26 PM

        BettorsChat Veteran

        Registered: Apr 2003
        Location: State of confusion
        Posts: 3774
        Sorry about the reply on your thread, but this old hag is really out of control, or should I call her the Queen of copy and paste.


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        07-11-2004 07:59 PM

        Mega Mouth
        You try so hard to be witty, when in truth it shows how stupid you are. You are a useless old lady looking for attention, it sure seems you have to bring your own.
        You are the Queen of copy and paste, you ramble on like you know what your talking about, when in truth everyone here can see you are full of shit. It's funny how people post in the horse form and you have to add your useless 2 cents. People post their opinions here, not posting to see what your little mind has to say. This is an OPEN forum, not the MM=Mega Mouth forum.
        You stupid old lady, you can't even see what an ass you truly are.
        You don't know enough to shut your diarrhea mouth (we all know your full of shit) it just keeps running like a bad case of diarrhea.
        Like I said before, anyone can copy and paste, but in your sick mind you believe someone really cares. You need to go recruit more people to cover your BIG FAT ASS, the 2 you have just isn't enough.You need to just STFU!!!
        By the way OLD lady (I use the term lady very loosely) Why don't you tell the people here how they ran you off at *********?????
        Did you call 99% of the people there stupid????
        You just don't know enough to shut your mouth..........
        Oh yes, brunch.........
        You can go eat shit.......


        ( it will happen again , trust-me ..... I know two legged critters fairly good also ) and I fear for your not taking a far more firm approach to this , it will come back to haunt you .

        I Told You So , and I am rarely wrong about these things !

        Sincerely :


        :cool: :cool: :cool:
        Last edited by MemphisMafia; 07-12-2004, 07:54 PM.
        " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


        • #5
          Need Reminding ? :

          I didnt go into the sports forum and do what has been done in the racing forum .

          And I Stir Things Up ?

          He did all that week , and hes back on the war-path again !

          Sorry But I , am taking a live and let live stance here and the forum members are taking a beating from this . You asked for him to stay out of here ...... he didnt , and I have stayed out of the sports forum for the same reasons (even though I wasnt asked I just thought it was fair and a good policy)

          Again I am being attacked ..... will it ever end ?

          Puzzled and Bewildered
          " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


          • #6
            being from wisconsin too !

            i am all to familar with the badger. a real pesty criter they are
            very closely related to the racoon. the black eyed bandit a real pain in the azz. always into shit

            have a wonderfull 4th of july weekend and GL2U

            PS: if you need a good trapper i know where to get 1.
            Last edited by 1BadMaMa; 07-03-2004, 09:39 PM.


            • #7
              get over it keep postin winners quit cryin

              get over it:angryfire

