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Churchill Downs & Others (Wed)

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  • Churchill Downs & Others (Wed)

    Churchill : ( * to win ) & [ boxed ]

    R1- *4 / 58 & *4 / 2-11
    R2- 38 & 38/1a-9
    R3- [8-9-10] & [1-4-12]
    R4- *2 / 35 & *2 / 47
    R5- *8 / 3-12 & *8 / 2-11
    R6- 16/58 ( Slew AE )
    R7- 17/48
    R8- [1345] & [ 58-10]
    R9- 1-2-12 / 47
    R10- *9 / 456-10

    A-Duct :

    R1- 124
    R2- 245
    R3- 24
    R4- 39 & [14-13-10-12]
    R5- 235
    R6- 1a346
    R7- 46
    R8- 45
    R9- 59

    Hollywood :

    R1- 37/15
    R3- 238
    R5- 6
    R6- 3
    R7- 2
    R8- 6

    Cherry-Picken :

    Albqureque : R7- 25-10
    Bay Meadows : R4- 1456
    Charelstown : R2- 468
    Indiana Downs : R7- 345
    Pimlico : R6- *457



    :cool: :cool: :cool:
    Last edited by MemphisMafia; 04-28-2004, 11:41 AM.
    " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "

  • #2
    memphis, appreciate it! I made a note in my drf of all your picks today as im going to the track this afternoon :D.

    I do a great deal of my handicapping in the paddock area actually looking at the horses so its hard to say but one longshot im going to take a good look at is #2 volnay in the first race.
    might throw a pick six out there today! good luck to you!


    • #3
      only one thing though memphis i think you might have had a typo on the second race as their are only 7 horses, and their is a pair that is coupled so there is no number eight :D


      • #4
        Scott :

        You also , my friend and I hope you caught my up-dates ?

        The best to ya , and hittem where it hurts the most



        :cool: :cool: :cool:
        " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


        • #5
          Originally posted by S49erman
          only one thing though memphis i think you might have had a typo on the second race as their are only 7 horses, and their is a pair that is coupled so there is no number eight :D
          Blonde Moment :

          I am so sorry , and you are correct . I sometimes get number drunk and as my finger glides over the dozens of sheets I get misplaced on ( Race , Track , Days ) and it so happens that was one !

          I had 4361 as numbers for that one and please excuse my boo-boo



          :cool: :cool: :cool:
          " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


          • #6
            G'day Memph .... still trying to get up on horses out here in Planet Caly ... the rest of the world gets up so early !
            Do you know of a reliable website that would allow us to jump to alot of racetracks from a home page ??
            I tried but they seem to get bogged down or they send you to expired pages . A little help here coach...
            would like a good play this p.m. noticed churchhill was a little tough this a.m. THANKS ***MMM***

            Yep - found it ....osmosis
            Last edited by Ldawg; 04-28-2004, 04:19 PM.

