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Keeneland :

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  • Keeneland :

    Horses to Watch :

    R1 - Bondsman - Catbird Seat - Life Saver

    R2 - Grand Destiny - Regale - Western Rush

    R3 - Lunapal * - Hedge your Bet - Visonary

    R4 - Ferrazzi - Pushed * - Papa M&M ( Love IT )

    R5 - Royal Box * - Too Much Class - Fly Away Angel

    R6 - Miesques Approval - Wando * - Heros Tribute

    R7 - Seattle Queen * - Fircroft - Red Cell

    R8 - Intercontinental - Ocean Drive - Film Maker

    R9 - Prepster * - Cool Conductor - Good Reward



    :cool: :cool: :cool:
    " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "

  • #2
    Which horse is your FAVORITE to Win?

    Thanks :D


    • #3
      wayne :

      I really like Prepster , but the " Man " sez Lunapal



      :cool: :cool: :cool:
      " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


      • #4
        thanks, i'm on it!


        • #5
          wayne ;

          The " man " sez your welcome and wishes you a ton of luck :D



          :cool: :cool: :cool:
          " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


          • #6

            I'm try ing your 2 favorites @ Keenland and Sweet Lips @ Santa Anita would u explain when u have time on how to box that race and for how much!!!! Thanks Gary!!!!!!! hc


            • #7
              Re: Keeneland :

              R1 - Bondsman - Catbird Seat - Life Saver

              Show = Bondsman - 3.80

              R2 - Grand Destiny - Regale - Western Rush

              Win = Western Rush - 3.40 & Show = Grand desitny - 2.40

              R3 - Lunapal * - Hedge your Bet - Visonary

              Win = Lunapal - 7.00 & Show = Hedge your Bet - 4.20 [ Quin 26.80 ]

              R4 - Ferrazzi - Pushed * - Papa M&M ( Love IT )

              Win = Papa M&M - 8.60 / Place = Ferrazzi - 5.40 / Show Pushed - 3.00 [Quin - 18.20/ Exacta - 32.80/ Tri - 79.60 / Super - 391.20 ]

              R5 - Royal Box * - Too Much Class - Fly Away Angel

              Place = Fly Away Angel - 7.60 / Show = Too Much Class - 4.00

              R6 - Miesques Approval - Wando * - Heros Tribute

              Win = Wando - 7.40 / Place Miesques Approval - 3.60 [ Quin - 11.80 / Exacta - 20.60 ]

              R7 - Seattle Queen * - Fircroft - Red Cell

              Win = Fircroft - 7.20

              R8 - Intercontinental - Ocean Drive - Film Maker

              Win = Intercontinental - 3.60 / Place Ocean Drive - 3.40 [ Quin - 9.20 / Exacta - 15.80 ]

              R9 - Prepster * - Cool Conductor - Good Reward

              Win = Good Reward - 12.60 / Show Cool Conductor - 4.80 [ W-P-S 26.40 X10.00 & 4.80 X 10.00 = Profit 252.00 ]



              :cool: :cool: :cool: [/B][/QUOTE]
              Last edited by MemphisMafia; 04-18-2004, 05:53 PM.
              " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


              • #8
                Another Fair Day :

                And I am tired and going to take a nap , hope everyone had a nice day and its been fun !



                :cool: :cool: :cool:
                " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


                • #9
                  Memphis that was "Awesome"!

                  I played Lunarpal as my 1 Play from you and it cashed and paid $7.00 to Win :eek: .........................NICE!

                  Thanks ALOT!

                  I played 2 horses blind today and cashed them both. Keep em' coming!


                  • #10

                    That was a nice one that Asmussen pulled off in the third, his horses run one-two for a $65 EX.
                    I look at that kinda stuff, if a trainer don't couple them, they always try to run 1-2
                    I know, different owners, but the trainers place the horses in the race.

