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any thing for wednesday

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  • any thing for wednesday

    post please really is appreciated.
    tony tuba

  • #2
    Southland & Derby ( Evening )

    Southland :

    R1- 8176
    R2- 2571
    R3- 4735
    R4- 8537
    R5- 6812
    R6- 1745
    R7- 7281
    R8- 6827
    R9- 8253
    R10- 3756
    R11- 2385
    R12- 2418
    R13- 7615

    Derby Lane :

    R1- 7261
    R2- 5786
    R3- 4538
    R4- 8235
    R5- 8237
    R6- 7/1342
    R7- 5243
    R8- 1578
    R9- 8461
    R10- 8271
    R11- 7843
    R12- 7486
    R13- 5728
    R14- 7862

    As you can see I expect the 7 & 8 to be predominate here tonight .



    :cool: :cool: :cool:
    " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


    • #3
      Southland & Derby

      Southland Evening 04/13/04

      R1 - 81362
      R2 - Pass
      R3 - 85341
      R4 - Pass
      R5 - Pass
      R6 - 37451
      R7 - 75286
      R8 - Pass
      R9 - Pass
      R10 - 57381
      R11 - 73562
      R12 - Pass
      R13 - Pass

      St. Pete Evening 04/13/04

      R1 - 76258
      R2 - Pass
      R3 - 45231
      R4 - 48256
      R5 - 12456
      R6 - Pass
      R7 - 28564
      R8 - 13542
      R9 - Pass
      R10 - Pass
      R11 - 27564
      R12 - 37841
      R13 - Pass
      R14 - 78364
      See spot run!


      • #4
        Re: Southland & Derby ( Evening )

        Originally posted by MemphisMafia
        Southland :

        R1- 8176 = 768 = 66.80 / 317.20
        R2- 2571 = 75
        R3- 4735 = 14
        R4- 8537 = 71
        R5- 6812 = 76
        R6- 1745 = 321
        R7- 7281 = 5871
        R8- 6827 = 1
        R9- 8253 = 382
        R10- 3756 = 1
        R11- 2385
        R12- 2418
        R13- 7615

        Derby Lane : They where on the board in 11 races so as I eluded to the 7&8 are doing thier job .

        R1- 7261 = 8
        R2- 5786 = 7
        R3- 4538 = 4
        R4- 8235 = 8
        R5- 8237 = 3
        R6- 7/1342 = 1234 ( go figure ?)
        R7- 5243 = 5
        R8- 1578 = 8
        R9- 8461 = 1
        R10- 8271 = 7
        R11- 7843 = 1
        R12- 7486 = 7
        R13- 5728 = 1
        R14- 7862 = 8

        As you can see I expect the 7 & 8 to be predominate here tonight .



        :cool: :cool: :cool:
        Last edited by MemphisMafia; 04-14-2004, 12:46 AM.
        " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "

