Darts scoring is described here for the matches most people will play. This is a standard version of the game where players must start and finish with a Double scoring dart. The score to begin is 501. Players scores are deducted from 501 with the aim being to finish the game as fast as possible, scoring a Double on the last dart to make the score 0. Further on we'll show you how to record game scores.
The Dartboard
This standard dartboard clearly shows the segments associated with each number on the board. Landing a dart in the "20" segment scores you 20 points. Simple. You do need to know the value of the different concentric rings round the board. Please read on.
Single Scores
For any dart landing in the "non-ringed" area of the dartboard you score the number shown at the outside of that segment. As an example, darts landing in the yellow shaded areas would score 13 and 17. 13+17=30.
The Double Ring
The outer ring counts as double the normal score, usually written as D. In the picture above you can see the yellow highlighting shows D20, D1 and D18. This would score 40+2+36=78 or double the normal score of 20+1+18=39.
The Triple Ring
Any darts landing in the inner ring score three times their normal value, usually shown as T. In the example above, darts landed in the yellow shaded areas would score T20, T14 and T16. 60+42+48=150. This triples the normal score of 20+14+16=50. You can see that you can increase your score quickly if you can hit the larger numbers in the Triple ring. People scoring 3 T20's in a regional competition may be entitled to a 180 badge as this is the highest scoring shot in darts and is difficult to achieve, especially under competition pressure.
Outer Bull
The outer bull, shaded in yellow, scores 25 points
The Inner bull, shaded in yellow, scores 50 points. This is the point on the board aimed at during the "bull up" which determines the team playing order.
Recording Darts Scores
Recording scores is easy but does require the ability to multiply, add and subtract. When the player has thrown their three darts, the score is added up. The total is then subtracted from the team total to produce a current score.
A player scores D5 (double 5), 20 and 1. The total is 10+20+1=31.
501 = starting score
31 = minus 3 dart score for player
470 = running total
This method of scoring continues all the way to the end of the match. However, once your score falls to 170 or below it may be possible to finish the game with 3 darts. This is when you should consult the Three Dart Finishing Guide to find a way to finish the game as quickly as possible.
To finish the leg you need to finish on a double. If you score more than, or 1 less than, the required total with three darts, your score will not be counted and the previous score will stand.
The Dartboard
This standard dartboard clearly shows the segments associated with each number on the board. Landing a dart in the "20" segment scores you 20 points. Simple. You do need to know the value of the different concentric rings round the board. Please read on.
Single Scores
For any dart landing in the "non-ringed" area of the dartboard you score the number shown at the outside of that segment. As an example, darts landing in the yellow shaded areas would score 13 and 17. 13+17=30.
The Double Ring
The outer ring counts as double the normal score, usually written as D. In the picture above you can see the yellow highlighting shows D20, D1 and D18. This would score 40+2+36=78 or double the normal score of 20+1+18=39.
The Triple Ring
Any darts landing in the inner ring score three times their normal value, usually shown as T. In the example above, darts landed in the yellow shaded areas would score T20, T14 and T16. 60+42+48=150. This triples the normal score of 20+14+16=50. You can see that you can increase your score quickly if you can hit the larger numbers in the Triple ring. People scoring 3 T20's in a regional competition may be entitled to a 180 badge as this is the highest scoring shot in darts and is difficult to achieve, especially under competition pressure.
Outer Bull
The outer bull, shaded in yellow, scores 25 points
The Inner bull, shaded in yellow, scores 50 points. This is the point on the board aimed at during the "bull up" which determines the team playing order.
Recording Darts Scores
Recording scores is easy but does require the ability to multiply, add and subtract. When the player has thrown their three darts, the score is added up. The total is then subtracted from the team total to produce a current score.
A player scores D5 (double 5), 20 and 1. The total is 10+20+1=31.
501 = starting score
31 = minus 3 dart score for player
470 = running total
This method of scoring continues all the way to the end of the match. However, once your score falls to 170 or below it may be possible to finish the game with 3 darts. This is when you should consult the Three Dart Finishing Guide to find a way to finish the game as quickly as possible.
To finish the leg you need to finish on a double. If you score more than, or 1 less than, the required total with three darts, your score will not be counted and the previous score will stand.