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Help with racing

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  • Help with racing


    I have a bunch of questions about racing and betting. First, what are the rules in a horse racing? I just wanna ask because I want to try my luck in betting into a horse race. And Secondly, what kind of horse must I pick to have a good chance of winning? Third, Is there a website that guides beginners like me into the realm of horse racing? If so then can you give me that site?


  • #2
    U need to look at practice times 3 furlongs in 36 or less, 4 furlongs in 50 or less and 5 furlongs in 1 min or less are typically good... This can help you find the speed horse...

    Its pretty much a crapshoot though man, luck of the draw... Its fun though, I'm thinking about going and playing some today.


    • #3
      BATTERS UP....Really good questions...But the answer is about as simple as "what is the purpose of man's existence", becoming a "winning" horse handicapper is one of the toughest things I can think of....I tried to educate myself in this arena for several years and I assure you, it is really HARD to do...but it is soooo much fun to play the horses. Workout times, as mentioned above are important, but there is so much more. More variables in ponies than in any other sport IMHO. The single most importnat factor in handicapping, if you have to narrow it down to one aspect, is CLASS. Entire books have been written just on class analysis. Like poker, you just have top live and learn and that usually involves performing a "post mortem" on individual races. AFTER the race is run, go back and look at it again....Why did this horse win or why did this one perform so poorly? Experience, man, experience.

      But, in the meantime, if you wnat to learn and NOT GO BROKE doing outside help. The best tool I've found is an online service called "e-ponies". They rank each race by such things as class, speed, endurance, recent form, etc. I would suggest subscribing to e-ponies, look at their different ratings on each race, and determine for yourself AFTER the races which seem to be the most significant rating categories. BTW, these may be different from track to track...speed is important at SA, not so much at say Churchill (where, generally class seems to be the most important). I can tell you that I have been a net winner (not a whole lot though) by playing e-ponies top two or three picks where those picks go off at odds that are not prohibitive. Great way to have a rooting interest without having (at least not yet) gone broke learning.

      Above all, you learn more about capping by looking backwards at historical results in the context of what you think you knew before the bell rang than anything else. In any event, have a lot of fun playing the sport of kings. Hope some of this helps.
      Last edited by umreb78; 04-09-2010, 02:26 PM.


      • #4
        rules for horse racing for you a handicapper,is to pick the horse you think has best chance to win.

        to win at betting horses pick the one that will cross finish line first without interfering with other horses

        to track horses you can sign up for daily racing form


        • #5
          Everyone has there own capping ways. I Have many different ways I cap pending on the race. I only like to play stakes races and big tracks.

          I would try to start with placing some wps bets on a horse to start. Don't try an exactics till you get the handle. It's hard enough to get one winner.

          I love betting horses. But I also hate it sometimes. It's mire frustrating than betting anything eles
          Good Luck to everyone

          Richie: [after Gus hits a homerun] Wow and he did it without steroids.
          Clark: What's steroids?
          Richie: Something that makes your pee-pee smaller.
          Clark: There must be steroids in macaroni!


          • #6
            Thanks for those info guys! Those were really helpful! Again, thank you!


            • #7
              battersup,best advice is to approach all forms of gambling as recreational,there are not many easy outs when it comes to wagering cash-i would rank horseracing as one of the most difficult sports to master,if you can learn poker like you were asking about in another forum-your odds of winning will be much greater-with that being said-i love to bet the ponies but i look at it like a cocaine addiction-if you get addicted to it-its a really tough habit to break,if i had an enemy i hated-i would probably take him to the track a bunch and try to get him hooked-THATS HOW TOUGH IT IS IN MY BOOK-WITH THAT BEING SAID-WHEN THE NEXT FUCKING RACE TAKE OFF ? LOL !!


              • #8
                Originally posted by WayneChung View Post
                battersup,best advice is to approach all forms of gambling as recreational,there are not many easy outs when it comes to wagering cash-i would rank horseracing as one of the most difficult sports to master,if you can learn poker like you were asking about in another forum-your odds of winning will be much greater-with that being said-i love to bet the ponies but i look at it like a cocaine addiction-if you get addicted to it-its a really tough habit to break,if i had an enemy i hated-i would probably take him to the track a bunch and try to get him hooked-THATS HOW TOUGH IT IS IN MY BOOK-WITH THAT BEING SAID-WHEN THE NEXT FUCKING RACE TAKE OFF ? LOL !!
                YOUR PROBABLY THINKING-this guy sounds like my dad-LOL-just trying to save you learning everything the hard way like most of us on here did !!

