When I have a chance on weekends to look for live longshots, I don't always post them all because I feel like people think the cry wolf thing. Obviously a good percentage won't hit the board. For example today at Pimlico race 3, I liked the #5 horse (wings of a dove) 20-1 shot. I didn't post it and it won the race and paid $53.80/$23.60/$13.00, a $90.40 win on a $2 w/p/s bet, a $6 dollar investment.
I didn't post it and it pissess me off!
So from now on when I find some longshots that I like I'm gonna post them all. I recommend a $2 w/p/s bet and at the end of the year I strongly believe we will be on the plus side.
If I see anymore today I will post in this thread. Use them as you see fit.
I didn't post it and it pissess me off!

If I see anymore today I will post in this thread. Use them as you see fit.