Well no computer on the home front, so no historical data back. Got blocked from the site at work, but found a way in, not sure for how long.
This is just some old fashion capping, that has met me with mixed results Same formula, WP Bet on top play, AB with ABCD on exotics, may box some on odds.
Hope the first day back is an ok one
Race 1 #4 with 2/5/1
Race 2 #6 with 2/1/8/7
Race 3 #6 with 2
Race 4 #6 with 10/8/9/7
Race 5 #10 with 8/2/6
Race 6 #2 with 3/6/8/5
Race 7 #3 with 1/4 (even though we have won with the 1)
Race 8 #3 with 2/7/4
Race 9 #7 with 3/1/9/6
This is just some old fashion capping, that has met me with mixed results Same formula, WP Bet on top play, AB with ABCD on exotics, may box some on odds.
Hope the first day back is an ok one
Race 1 #4 with 2/5/1
Race 2 #6 with 2/1/8/7
Race 3 #6 with 2
Race 4 #6 with 10/8/9/7
Race 5 #10 with 8/2/6
Race 6 #2 with 3/6/8/5
Race 7 #3 with 1/4 (even though we have won with the 1)
Race 8 #3 with 2/7/4
Race 9 #7 with 3/1/9/6