Race 9--
Love #6 Too Much Bling, but passing on playing him b/c of the odds I think he'll go off at
Race 10--PICK 3
10: 7
11: 1-3-6-7-9-12
12: 1-6-7-10-11-12
Super: 7 with 3-5-6
Trifecta: 3-5-6 with 7 with 3-5-6
Love #6 Too Much Bling, but passing on playing him b/c of the odds I think he'll go off at
Race 10--PICK 3
10: 7
11: 1-3-6-7-9-12
12: 1-6-7-10-11-12
Super: 7 with 3-5-6
Trifecta: 3-5-6 with 7 with 3-5-6