Rolling along just great..
Pathetic game I witnessed yesturday. The Leafs suck! New trend on the Leafs I find is, if there are trade rumours whirrling around the locker room, bet against them. They are a heartless and gutless team. I have to travel to Detroit to watch decent proffessional hockey and at a quarter of the price too! (its sad).
Don't Like the board today.
Vancouver Canucks
Leaning towards KC for Cinderella purposes and odds to parlay with my nhl pick.
Done with the NFL. Its way too hard for me and stresses me out. Doing this for health purposes. Will post tho if I find one.
Don't know how ppl can label such a tight game in Nwo as GOY. Maybe its the small spread. Was leaning GB until I read the nfl forum here, So I decided to quit.
Pathetic game I witnessed yesturday. The Leafs suck! New trend on the Leafs I find is, if there are trade rumours whirrling around the locker room, bet against them. They are a heartless and gutless team. I have to travel to Detroit to watch decent proffessional hockey and at a quarter of the price too! (its sad).
Don't Like the board today.
Vancouver Canucks
Leaning towards KC for Cinderella purposes and odds to parlay with my nhl pick.
Done with the NFL. Its way too hard for me and stresses me out. Doing this for health purposes. Will post tho if I find one.
Don't know how ppl can label such a tight game in Nwo as GOY. Maybe its the small spread. Was leaning GB until I read the nfl forum here, So I decided to quit.