Originally posted by jt4545
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Walmart workers went on strike yesterday. Protesting in front of the Walmart stores saying they are working too many hours, they are under paid, they do not want to work on Thanksgiving and they are not treated well.
Hey, if you feel that you are worth more than what you are getting paid, QUIT. If you feel that you are working too many hours, QUIT. If you feel like you are not treated well at your job, QUIT. If you do not want to work on Thanksgiving, QUIT.Last edited by Spark; 11-23-2012, 11:14 AM.
Originally posted by spark View Postwalmart workers went on strike yesterday. Protesting in front of the walmart stores saying they are working too many hours, they are under paid, they do not want to work on thanksgiving and they are not treated well.
Hey, if you feel that you are worth more than what you are getting paid, quit. If you feel that you are working too many hours, quit. If you feel like you are not treated well at your job, quit. If you do not want to work on thanksgiving, quit.
I may have a problem with this. I am a small business owner with just me and my wife on the payroll. I have my own insurance to cover my family. If it goes through, I would have to fire my wife to prevent me from having to put her on Obamacare. Why should I be forced to have Obamacare when I already have my own insurance???
My accountant just informed me yesterday that I was going into the 39.6% tax bracket next year. That is just federal tax, add another 8% for state tax. Almost half of what I will make will be paid in taxes next year. Whatever dumbfucks voted for this clown should be proud.
Raise taxes on the rich? Think about this...4.7% of the population accounts for 71% of the taxes paid this year. I need to go throw up now............You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning
For further discussion .....
Facts seem to vary wildly depending on WHO is presenting them ... the following are two OPINIONS from "Yahoo Answers" Re: "What is the difference between ACA and the existing Medicare program". These two opinions seem to favor ACA .....
APPARENTLY NO ONE knows the True impact ...JANUARY 2014
Opinion 1 -The Affordable Care Act reins in costs for the individual, businesses, and our government.
- If you have insurance you like, you can keep it. This will just make it cheaper and stronger.
- No more denial of pre-existing conditions
- No dropped coverage when you get sick
- Eliminates yearly and lifetime caps on coverage
- Caps your out-of-pocket expenses
- Requires coverage for preventive care
- Kids can stay on their parents’ policies till age 26
- If you lose or change your job, or start your own business, you’ll still be able to get coverage
- If you don’t have insurance, there will be a new insurance marketplace, The Exchange. It should include a Public Option Plan. These exchanges will be run by the states.
- New tax credits and low cost coverage for individuals and small businesses who can’t afford insurance
- Eliminates the pre scription “drug hole” for seniors.
It won’t add a dime to the deficit, and it will create over 4 million jobs. There will be an independent panel of medical experts to identify waste, fraud, and abuse. There will be immediate medical malpractice reform projects.
"Since 1980, median real household income has risen less than 15 percent. The only period of strong middle-class income growth during this time came in the mid- and late 1990s, which by coincidence was also the one time when taxes on the affluent were rising.
"For most of the last three decades, tax rates for the wealthy have been falling, while their pretax pay has been rising rapidly. Real incomes at the 99.99th percentile have jumped more than 300 percent since 1980. At the 99th percentile — about $300,000 today — real pay has roughly doubled."
Stats are from CBO and the Census.
Opinion 2WRONG. Your notion on “the middle-class gets taxed heavily” is a myth. Probably heard it all over Fox News or something.
ObamaCare helps everyone because it removes the burden to pay for freeloaders, who will now be covered and if they can afford it, will pay for it - or part of it.
Before ObamaCare, 60% of our bankruptcies were due to medical bills. That will no longer happen because all insurance companies have to remove the caps on lifetime benefits, and they are no longer allowed to drop you when you get sick.
Also, average middle-class folk with insurance who have kids can keep their kids on their policies until they’re 26. That’s a big family savings.
There are a ton of things good about ObamaCare. Massachusetts is a good example. Romney has walked away from the best thing he did there, but the facts are the facts. Mass is #1 in health care. 98% of its people are covered (#1), and premiums have decreased quite a bit.
Right lane ends ... merge left
Originally posted by Ldawg View PostFor further discussion .....
Facts seem to vary wildly depending on WHO is presenting them ... the following are two OPINIONS from "Yahoo Answers" Re: "What is the difference between ACA and the existing Medicare program". These two opinions seem to favor ACA .....
APPARENTLY NO ONE knows the True impact ...JANUARY 2014
Opinion 1 -
Opinion 2
This is the worst summary of the healthcare plan yet. Won't add to the deficit and will add jobs? Right there is all you need to know this is some awful opinion piece. Jobs are leaving by the thousands. The deficit will blow up soon. You can go to my post on th first page of this thread. But I would love these lefty idiots to answer these questions.
They say that costs will come down and it will not increase your taxes. If a sick person, who is poor and does not have insurance, gets put on medicaid because of the new system, who is paying for that? If someone gets a partial subsidy, who is paying for that? And what is someone is in the middle class, doesn't have insurance now, and can't afford the crappy plan that costs $250 a month?
I work in the insurance biz and already deal with this now. Premiums are a joke, the plans suck, and people can't afford them now. And now small businesses are going to stay under the 50 employee rule to bypass this stupid system. The government cannot run aything cheaperly or efficiently. So we should put them in control of everyones healthcare! Ya, this will go great. Glad all these states are flipping the bird at the governement and letting them what to do with the exchanges.
And the last question is......You passes a bill and in the next few years you are unable to even lay out the details and have it ready to go. Yet Obama and his other idiots tell us how great it is. Yet the cost details, how to implement, state exchanges, and all the little details are still being put together. One big shit show of incompetence. Just pass it and worry about the details later. You can see why h just pushed it thru. Obamer and Pelosi have no clue what is going on with this or anything else. Just wait till this gets going. If it ever does. One big disaster and no guidelines on how to run it. Blind leading the blind.Hoops
Obamacare Pre-Existing Condition Fee To Cost Companies $63 Per Person.
Looks like it's not free anymore. Glad I'm not a company with lots of employees. Any more hidden fees out there???You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning