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Presidential Election ... Keep it in here !!!!!

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  • #31
    Sorry jt I was golfing as well, and I shot a 81..... I can only give you 1 answer less people have died with Obama as president....I could give 2 fucks about what he does for this country my business"s will thrive it don't matter who's fucking president as long as we don't have a all civil war here in my country America ill be good to go and so will my kids and family!!! I can't say that the ecomony isn't fucked up because it is and it's been that way since bush"s second term!! But I'm a hustler and I make my money and I live well off thanks god!! If your wondering what I do for a work I sell cars I have a dealership and mechanic shop in Detroit Michigan , and also have 4 convince stations in the detroit metro suburbs that do very well for me, fortunate enough for me I made some good investments and saved a lot of money when Clinton was president!!!

    Diesel fuck you!!!! I got a 10 star GOY for your ass on Sunday!!!


    • #32
      Originally posted by CashMoney View Post
      Sorry jt I was golfing as well, and I shot a 81..... I can only give you 1 answer less people have died with Obama as president....I could give 2 fucks about what he does for this country my business"s will thrive it don't matter who's fucking president as long as we don't have a all civil war here in my country America ill be good to go and so will my kids and family!!! I can't say that the ecomony isn't fucked up because it is and it's been that way since bush"s second term!! But I'm a hustler and I make my money and I live well off thanks god!! If your wondering what I do for a work I sell cars I have a dealership and mechanic shop in Detroit Michigan , and also have 4 convince stations in the detroit metro suburbs that do very well for me, fortunate enough for me I made some good investments and saved a lot of money when Clinton was president!!!

      Diesel fuck you!!!! I got a 10 star GOY for your ass on Sunday!!!
      Cash not a shock look forward to the Lions on Sunday. Good Luck


      • #33
        Originally posted by diesel View Post
        Cash not a shock look forward to the Lions on Sunday. Good Luck
        I'm not shocked by your smart ass either and if you look I pounded San Fran last week you jack ass!!!


        • #34
          So cash you work on cars in the days and you clerk in a convince store at night, ok now please tell me one thing obama has done right and good for the usa ????? Don't say people dont die in wars, that is so fucked up and unreal for a grown man to say, i can tell you what good he has done in 3 1/2 years not one damn thing vote romeny you will feel better lmao WAS THAT 81 FOR NINE ? LOL

          Fat Tuesday's - Home


          • #35
            Originally posted by jt4545 View Post
            So cash you work on cars in the days and you clerk in a convince store at night, ok now please tell me one thing obama has done right and good for the usa ????? Don't say people dont die in wars, that is so fucked up and unreal for a grown man to say, i can tell you what good he has done in 3 1/2 years not one damn thing vote romeny you will feel better lmao WAS THAT 81 FOR NINE ? LOL
            Jt your just a fucking moron and a old washed up fuck complaining about nothing..your broke fucking ass is just mad becuase your life is worth a shit!! And bring your money sucker I'll clean you out in golf!!!!!


            • #36
              Lots of hate in here fellas!!
              Questions, comments, complaints:
              [email protected]


              • #37
                Presidential Election

                Keep it iin here guys


                • #38
                  Finally after 7 days of lying and denying that the sept 11th attacks in Libya were just a protest, the idiot President and his administration are admitting it was a terrorist attack. We all knew it was the second that it happens but the dumb Muslim in office wanted to lie to Americans to try to protect his religion. The whole administration is idiots and they fucking lied to you so please remember that when you vote.


                  • #39
                    Intelligence was aware of the attack 3 days in advance and you know how much protection any of our embassy's received?????? ZERO. Even on the anniversary of Sept 11,even knowing they had a 3 day warning those people got no extra security. Obama and this administration is a bunch of lying fucks and no way are some of you this blind to vote for this idiot.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                      Intelligence was aware of the attack 3 days in advance and you know how much protection any of our embassy's received?????? ZERO. Even on the anniversary of Sept 11,even knowing they had a 3 day warning those people got no extra security. Obama and this administration is a bunch of lying fucks and no way are some of you this blind to vote for this idiot.
                      Bush's fault bro


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
                        Bush's fault bro
                        Even the dumbest dem in the world has to blame Obama for this. But your right though. One of these morons will blame Bush for these lying idiots. This country needs to wake the fuck up.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by CashMoney View Post
                          Jt your just a fucking moron and a old washed up fuck complaining about nothing..your broke fucking ass is just mad becuase your life is worth a shit!! And bring your money sucker I'll clean you out in golf!!!!!
                          $100 a hole if you ever come near Atlanta and I'll play on JT's behalf.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                            Intelligence was aware of the attack 3 days in advance and you know how much protection any of our embassy's received?????? ZERO. Even on the anniversary of Sept 11,even knowing they had a 3 day warning those people got no extra security. Obama and this administration is a bunch of lying fucks and no way are some of you this blind to vote for this idiot.

                            These are pictures you will not see in the Obama media. Our US Ambassador to Libya being dragged through the streets before being murdered. Here is our American Ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens, diplomat, father, husband, and American Citizen, being dragged through the streets of Benghazi, and your President does NOTHING! . . . except go to Las Vegas for a fund raiser.

                            To most Americans this is an act of war. To our president it's just another act of office violence like Fort Hood. He and the Secy of State have already apologized and will soon send them another $6.3 Billion in foreign aid. This is as sad as it gets.

                            Last edited by Spark; 09-20-2012, 08:25 PM.


                            • #44
                              Absolutely fuckin SICKENING!!!!!!!!!!

                              The guy wasn't on welfare so i guess Obama didn't think he needed any help. Disgusting!!!


                              • #45
                                Wow I havent seen these pics before...SAD...after playing baseball in college I went to the Air Force and to Desert Storm, one error we made was not finishing the job the first time....Whoever votes for OBAMA is strictly a race thing, he will win the black vote and the latino vote, only hope for Romney is to get all the white vote and hopefully enough African American people wake the fuck up...Really how bad can Romney be? Give the guy a chance...I also seen that Mrs. Obama has taken more trips or vacations that any other 1st lady IN HISTORY, oh by the way she takes like 15 family members on each trip that all of us are paying for...I will take Romney on the ML....

