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Please explain this idiot Obama to me DEMS!!

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  • Please explain this idiot Obama to me DEMS!!

    Ok. I have called you DEMS all dumbass,idiots and retards. That might seem harsh cause I'm sure y'all are good people but just a little blind at times. I'm asking one of you to break this quote down and explain it to us hard working tax paying Americans.

    "Do we go forward towards a new vision of an America in which PROSPERITY IS SHARED or do we go backwards to the same policies that got is in this mess in the first place?" Please explain Shared prosperity????????

  • #2
    i just can't wait for OCT 11th debate when biden vs ryan square off, this will epic tv to watch


    • #3
      Originally posted by vols fan View Post
      Ok. I have called you DEMS all dumbass,idiots and retards. That might seem harsh cause I'm sure y'all are good people but just a little blind at times. I'm asking one of you to break this quote down and explain it to us hard working tax paying Americans.

      "Do we go forward towards a new vision of an America in which PROSPERITY IS SHARED or do we go backwards to the same policies that got is in this mess in the first place?" Please explain Shared prosperity????????
      Shared prosperity is Marxism - to each according to his need. Here government steals from people who worked and earned money, and gives it to those who didn't earn it. This is called Social Justice which Obama ascribes to. However it degrades the economy and the nation - has never worked as it eventually makes everyone poor.

      Capitalism is the opposite of the above Marxism. Capitalism is to each according to what they earn in the competitive marketplace.

      Marxism seeks to eliminate competition, as when unions demand the same pay raise and job retention as everyone else in the union, regardless of their incompetence. Poor work performance results and a nation becomes less competitive and ts standard of living goes down.

      Capitalism produces competition and the economy booms, and the nation's standard of living increases.

      Obama can't talk without telling lies and his statement that Romney and Ryan would take us back to the government that caused our mess is a lie. Romney and Ryan would not take us back to the progressivism (Marxist-socialism) of the democrats and of the two Bushes, that got us into this mess - Obama's progressivism has made the mess worse and will continue to do this.
      Last edited by Art; 08-14-2012, 06:16 AM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by vols fan View Post
        Ok. I have called you DEMS all dumbass,idiots and retards. That might seem harsh cause I'm sure y'all are good people but just a little blind at times. I'm asking one of you to break this quote down and explain it to us hard working tax paying Americans.

        "Do we go forward towards a new vision of an America in which PROSPERITY IS SHARED or do we go backwards to the same policies that got is in this mess in the first place?" Please explain Shared prosperity????????
        Shared prosperity is when everyone shares in the prosperity of others. Let's say you make $50,000 in the last year, but I didn't work and made nothing. So government would take $25,000 from you and give it to me, so we both get $25,000. this is Social Justice to fulfill the Marxist goal of to each according to their need. This goal would be fully realized by having everyone get the exact same pay, whether they worked or not.

        Now Obama doesn't want this Social Justice just for the USA; Obama wants it for the world. He wants us to share our USA wealth with the world. If Obama could, he would give money to bail out the European nations going under (because of their Social Justice programs that bankrupted their economies). Obama has already done some of this with USA world bank contributions. He also wants industrialized nations to give money to poor nations based on use of fossil fuel use. No other country wants to give to this - none of them are as stupid as Obama.


        • #5
          Originally posted by vols fan View Post
          Ok. I have called you DEMS all dumbass,idiots and retards. That might seem harsh cause I'm sure y'all are good people but just a little blind at times. I'm asking one of you to break this quote down and explain it to us hard working tax paying Americans.

          "Do we go forward towards a new vision of an America in which PROSPERITY IS SHARED or do we go backwards to the same policies that got is in this mess in the first place?" Please explain Shared prosperity????????
          I'm sure y'all are good people
          Questions, comments, complaints:
          [email protected]


          • #6
            Originally posted by jcindaville View Post
            I'm sure y'all are good people
            I could sit around with a dem and enjoy drinking a beer,watching sports,play golf..... It's when Dems open up that mouth to discuss politics is when I hate them.


            • #7
              Obama sucks and I want him out of office, but really disappointed in Republican Party putting out Romney. Anyway, Tennessee will not vote for Obama, so campaign your states. I may not even vote.


              • #8


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Spark View Post


                  • #10
                    Social justice:
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by Art; 08-18-2012, 07:20 PM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                      I could sit around with a dem and enjoy drinking a beer,watching sports,play golf..... It's when Dems open up that mouth to discuss politics is when I hate them.
                      I love ur brutal honesty
                      Questions, comments, complaints:
                      [email protected]

