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Supreme Court Upholds ObamaCare!!!!

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  • #46
    And our govt wants to run our health care, just look what came out today...

    nothig like rigging the libor rate, stay hot fed reserve

    Libor scandal: New York Federal Reserve knew about interest-rate fixing issues as far back as 2008 | Mail Online

    We have our own cities filing for chapter 9 and look what happened today, San bernardino county just joined Stockton and Mamoth lakes california but we have so much damn cash, lets pass this obamacare

    Because Once You Drop By Bankruptcy Court, You Don't Stop: San Bernardino On Chapter 9 Deck | ZeroHedge

    And finally, remember MF global, but for some reason nothing was really said about PFG futures brokerage that all of a sudden vanashed 400million that they can't fine

    Futures Brokerage PFG Best Freezes Accounts Following Discovery Of Accounting Irregularity | ZeroHedge

    If there is an event that should cost Gary Gensler his job as head regulator at the CFTC, it is this. According to a just released Reuters report, the head of MFG(lobal) part 2, PFG, whose story we broke yesterday, Russell Wasendorf Sr. "intercepted and forged bank documents for more than two years to cover up hundreds of millions of dollars in missing money, a person close to the situation." Once Wasendorf realized he was caught, and knew the implications of his actions would be exposed for the whole world to see, he tried to commit suicide, and failed. "Wasendorf, 64, is reported to be in a coma after a suicide attempt Monday morning, according to a complaint filed by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission on Tuesday that accuses Wasendorf and Peregrine of fraud." And while crime happens all the time, what is truly stunning is that as we reported previously, the CFTC gave the firm a clean bill of health in its January inspection of Peregrine Financial Group. That's 6 months ago. The CFTC, as a reminder, was it regulator. The entity whose sole charge is to make sure that firms at least have real, not rehypothecated, cash in their segregated client bank accounts. PFG never did for the past two years. And somehow the CFTC missed this. MF Global was a warning shot, and the CFTC missed it entirely. And not only that but 2 months later ir pronounced PFG clean. For this Gensler has to be fired immediately, and with prejudice.

    I can't trust a sole in washington, they are all f'n evil and don't give two shits about anyone of us, leave us alone, this stock market is rigged, it's a global ponzy and it's about to get a hell of lot more interesting, i'm embarrased that people want things like obamacare to pass, god that pisses me off....

    why not take care of our own cities/states, instead of worry what ben bernanke will waste his next Q3 on, and rack up another 1trillion dollars in 6 months...


    • #47
      sorry for ranting guys, this stuff really gets me upset, i want our country back and i really think we are f'd for a long time, but all this spending and wasted gov't ran programs only delys my "hope" for years and years to come and that makes me upset.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Watchtower76 View Post
        sorry for ranting guys, this stuff really gets me upset, i want our country back and i really think we are f'd for a long time, but all this spending and wasted gov't ran programs only delys my "hope" for years and years to come and that makes me upset.
        U can't fix stupid Tower, and there are too many fucking entitled idiots in this country.

        The end of America as we know is at hand, just hunker down because we're going to have to shoot some of these stupid fucks when the time comes.

        Stock pile guns and ammo, going to need a lot of bullets when the free loaders don't get the check anymore cause the government is bankrupt. They will resort to stealing from the rest of us who worked!
        Questions, comments, complaints:
        [email protected]


        • #49
          There's some definite misinformed people in here. I stopped getting health insurance over a year ago. I was tired of paying out the ass for insurance. This will penalize someone like me and make me get insurance. This deals with mostly people who do not have insurance and choose to use the "free" care of the emergency rooms that are offered. This will be most difficult on the lower income folks, but hopefully reduce costs for the masses.

          The story below from daily finance site does a pretty good job of explaining things. I know how some around here will feel this is somehow my opinion because, god forbid, someone copy and paste information for people to read. The site is not politically affiliated for what it's worth...Take some time and read it and maybe learn a little about what the new program will mean to you.

          Obamacare Upheld: How Health Care Reform Will Affect Your Wallet and Your Life - DailyFinance

          By Bruce Watson
          Posted 12:47PM 06/28/12 Posted under: Health Care, Consumer Ally, Money and Politics

          On Thursday morning, when the Supreme Court ruled that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act -- aka "Obamacare" -- was constitutional, there was a brief pause as the country took a moment to imagine what this brave new world would look like. Had socialism won the day? Were death panels on the way? Would children be roused out of their beds for compulsory morning calisthenics?

          Within moments, Twitter was hopping with messages from conservative dissenters such as Michelle Malkin, Ari Fleischer, the Heritage Foundation, and dozens of others, vowing to keep fighting health care reform all the way. But outside the beltway in the rest of the country, many Americans simply wondered how this ruling would affect their daily lives.

          Back to the Future

          In some ways, the future is already here. Many portions of the PPACA have already been quietly enacted. The government has streamlined the approval process for generic drugs and expanded Medicare's ************ benefit. It has levied a 10% tax on tanning booths, and passed several rules that will make it easier for people with "pre-existing conditions" to get the lifesaving treatments they need. For insurance companies, lifetime limits on coverage, price gouging, and a host of other cost-cutting measures are now illegal.

          Slowly, almost imperceptibly, medication is getting cheaper, insurance coverage is getting easier to attain, and a healthy lifestyle is becoming more attainable.

          Now, we can expect that over the next few months, more and more of the future will show up. Starting in August, new insurance policies will not be able to charge a copay for many forms of preventive care -- in other words, treatments like colonoscopies and mammograms will be free for patients who open new insurance policies. A few months later, people who make more than $200,000 per year will start having to pay an extra 0.9% tax which will help fund health care.

          The Big Changes You'll Hardly Notice

          These are little things, incremental changes that most people won't notice, except perhaps to occasionally wonder about when medications got cheaper or why achieving the Snooki look has gotten more expensive. But the big transition, the creeping socialism that Obamacare detractors are really worried about, will arrive in 2014. That's when everyone will either have to get insurance or pay a tax.

          The funny thing is, creeping socialism probably won't feel much different than the current system. Imagine, if you will, an ordinary, middle class family. For mom and dad, who work full time, insurance will still be provided through work. They'll still go to the same doctor, pay the same copay, and head to the same hospital when things get dire. Their kids will still get the same care, too, although they'll be able to take advantage of their parents' health insurance until they're 26, if they need to.

          As for grandpa and grandma, if they're over 65, they'll still be insured by Medicare, and their lives will largely go on as usual. If they're younger, and suddenly find themselves without insurance -- if, for example, grandpa is laid off from his job -- they will be able to get health insurance in spite of their pre-existing conditions. So grandpa may be stuck working part-time as a Walmart greeter, but he won't have to worry about paying for his insulin and blood pressure meds.

          The Big Changes

          But what if grandpa's new job doesn't pay much and he can't afford insurance? Well, the new law may still cover him. One aspect of PPACA is that people who make up to 133% of the poverty line -- for a household of two adults and one child, this would be $23,344 -- would be eligible for Medicaid at no cost. Meanwhile, families that make up to 400% of the poverty line -- for a household of two adults and one child, this would be $70,208 -- would be eligible for some form of discounted insurance rate, scaled to their income.

          So mom and dad, grandpa and grandma, and the kids are covered. What about Uncle Hank, the uninsured rebel with the ponytail and the motorcycle? Well, assuming he makes more than 400% of the poverty line, Hank's going to face a tough decision: He can either get insurance or pay a tax that will probably be slightly higher than the cost of insurance.

          Hank might be able to get insurance through his work, but if he can't, the new law will give him another choice. It requires each state to create a health insurance exchange -- basically, an online marketplace where various insurance companies can directly compete with each other. Here are some proposals for Minnesota's health insurance exchange.

          If Uncle Hank decides not to pay the health care tax, he would likely go to the exchange, pick a plan, set up a direct deposit program to take money from his paycheck -- much like the health insurance withholding that mom and dad pay -- and get an insurance card. And, later, if Hank gets into an accident on his bike, his insurance would cover his trip to the emergency room, as well as his ensuing operation and physical therapy.

          The Winners and the Losers

          So who wins and who loses under the new insurance program? For insurance companies, it's going to be a mixed bag: On the plus side, they will get millions of new, relatively young customers like Uncle Hank who will be cheap to insure, and will add mightily to their coffers. On the opposite side, they'll also get millions of older, low-income customers -- like grandpa and grandma -- who will be expensive to insure, and will have pricey pre-existing conditions. Overall, the insurance companies will probably make a tidy profit.

          For the poor, the chronically ill, and the unemployed, the new insurance program will also be a definite win. Millions of people will be able to afford basic health care, get diagnostic tests, and buy medications. Many will be covered by an expanded Medicaid program, and those who aren't will likely see a steep drop in the cost of insurance.

          For the average taxpayer, the new program will also be a win. Right now, a lot of the basic health care in America takes place in emergency rooms, where uninsured people end up when their colds turn into pneumonia, their untreated diabetes turns into a coma or an amputation, or their unmedicated high blood pressure leads to a heart attack. Many of these emergency rooms are already receiving taxpayer dollars. Preventing major, expensive health crises while they are small, inexpensive-to-treat problems saves everyone money.

          In fact, the biggest losers of the new health care program will be folks like Uncle Hank, who previously didn't worry about health insurance, but will now have to pay for it. On the other hand, many will now have access to preventative care and basic medical care that were previously unavailable. Speaking as someone who once had to pay over $1,000 out-of-pocket for the treatment of a broken hand, I'd argue that mandatory health insurance might be an unwelcome ************, but it is hardly unnecessary medicine.
          [email protected]

          I'm just here so I won't get fined....


          • #50
            I have zero interests in reading the copy & pasted crap Kaz. Nothing against you, seriously, i mean that.

            But every one of us can copy & paste shit to back our own personal yeah or nay votes. It's about individuals and how you feel IMO, not the million stories written by others that gives their own.


            • #51
              Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
              I have zero interests in reading the copy & pasted crap Kaz. Nothing against you, seriously, i mean that.

              But every one of us can copy & paste shit to back our own personal yeah or nay votes. It's about individuals and how you feel IMO, not the million stories written by others that gives their own.
              You don't have to read it. No ones forcing you to. It basically breaks down what is and isn't in the health care act and is very well written. It has nothing to do with my opinion. Reading and understanding what affects us in our daily lives is better than sitting around bitching about about it when many have no clue what they are saying. There are some people that have posted that have absolutely no clue what this new act means and how it will effect them ultimately. I've read a half dozen stories about this topic because I want to know what this is all going to mean to me. I felt the story I just posted gave a very thorough and well balanced version of what to expect from a non health/non political site.
              [email protected]

              I'm just here so I won't get fined....


              • #52
                Originally posted by KazDog View Post
                You don't have to read it. No ones forcing you to. It basically breaks down what is and isn't in the health care act and is very well written. It has nothing to do with my opinion. Reading and understanding what affects us in our daily lives is better than sitting around bitching about about it when many have no clue what they are saying. There are some people that have posted that have absolutely no clue what this new act means and how it will effect them ultimately. I've read a half dozen stories about this topic because I want to know what this is all going to mean to me. I felt the story I just posted gave a very thorough and well balanced version of what to expect from a non health/non political site.
                Better get a gun Kaz

                Questions, comments, complaints:
                [email protected]


                • #53
                  Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
                  I have zero interests in reading the copy & pasted crap Kaz. Nothing against you, seriously, i mean that.

                  But every one of us can copy & paste shit to back our own personal yeah or nay votes. It's about individuals and how you feel IMO, not the million stories written by others that gives their own.
                  Post of the fucking year!!!!! I don't let myself get brainwashed by the media. I look at all sources and gather my OWN opinion. As ignorant as that is to some people, it's still the way I am.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by vols fan View Post
                    Post of the fucking year!!!!! I don't let myself get brainwashed by the media. I look at all sources and gather my OWN opinion. As ignorant as that is to some people, it's still the way I am.
                    Hiya Vol...Listen, man, if there were more people who thought (wow what a concept) like this, there's no way Obama would even be thinking about gettinga second term. As much as I despise Obama though, the segment that pisses me off the most is the lame stream media. My God, how patently dishonest can they get when it comes to working for the Obama campaign...Didja notice that on ABCs Evening news with Dickeater Sawyer last night after the House voted to repeal OC, ABC led with 6 and a half minutes on the Leftanista's "new" study proving that "man made climate change" has become much much worse of late??? No coverage whatsoever about the House...They make me so freakin mad I could chew nails...but, hey, most Americans are now brain dead, mind numbed, morons who take everything the MSM says as truth. BTW did you see John Sununu absolutely school that lying bimbo Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC this week....


