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Is it Time to Question: Has the Administration Committed Treason??

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  • Is it Time to Question: Has the Administration Committed Treason??

    June 1, 2012

    Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines “Treason” as follows:

    1. The betrayal of a trust
    2. The offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign’s family

    Given the fact that the current United States Congress and the current United States Department of Justice neither have the principles nor the spine to so much as take action on such atrocities as the “Fast & Furious Scandal”, the DOJ imposed impediments to implementation of duly passed States’ Voter ID Laws, or the open questions surrounding Barack Obama’s eligibility to hold the highest office in the Land, the arguments made below will certainly fall upon deaf ears in the “elite” government. Noteworthy, as well, is that fact that further investigation and legal action ass1ociated with each of the three “incidents” previously mentioned is being stonewalled by Eric Holder and HIS Department of Justice. In reality, though, this discussion is not directed to anyone in government, but to the average American citizen. The debate is necessary, I submit, because the mainstream media is complicit in the Nation’s failure to recognize the extremely dangerous path this White House has embarked upon. It seems that the elites in that medium are too dense to understand what is happening (which is highly doubted) or they are so invested in the re-election of the Obama regime, they lack the honesty to connect the dots associated with seemingly independent events.

    In recent months, through a number of strategic news leaks overtly generated from the Obama White House, the United States citizens and the rest of the world, our enemies included, have been made privy to the following activities:

    1) We were treated to a highly detailed description of how Osama Bin Laden was “taken out” by Navy SEAL Team 6. We learned many of the details of how the insertion was accomplished, how the helos carrying the strike team were able to evade Pakistani radars, and the manner in which we verified the actual presence of the target inside the compound, including enough information for Pakistan to identify the Pakistani doctor who assisted the U.S. in that mission. Lastly, let’s not forget the classic photo in the Situation Room of Hillary’s “aghast” photo.
    2) Not long after that, another White House leaker was tasked with getting out word that Netanyahu and the Israeli Defense League had completed an agreement with the government of Azerbaijan that would have permitted temporarily basing Israeli strike aircraft there in support of a possible attack on Iran. The question must be asked, whose national security interest benefited from making this information public? Certainly, NOT Israel’s nor through alliance association, the United States.
    3) More recently, the White House has told the world that it was the United States, in cooperation with Israel, that infected Iran’s nuclear program software with a virus known as “Stuxnet” and more recently “Flame”. If, in fact, the U.S. was involved in assisting Israel in the endeavor, why in the world, do you release that information to the world? The answer is now crystal clear, but more on that later. Not only did the Administration release that information, but they also informed the world that the contagion was carried by an Iranian National via an infected jump drive. Say what? How many Iranian citizens are now being held in prison (or already dead) because of that leak? Further, what if the “infector” was a CIA asset working with the West to crash the Iranian nuclear program? Guess that’s one operative ally we will not be exploiting again.

    Those are the “whats”. So let’s delve into the “whys”. The Obama Administration is the first in history that I truly believe cares more about the insiders’ political careers and their stranglehold on power than it does about America’s interests. Like virtually everything else the White House has done since that dark day in January 2009, the events above were motivated by personal political gain. It is that simple. The Obama Administration has been a disaster for the U.S. economy, and while it took several years, the American voters have awakened to that fact. Even this Administration can read polls and they are in panic mode, knowing full well that without some major event or a major public relations campaign, their days in the White House are numbered.

    The left’s campaign lies and distortions have become tiresome to the American people who have, by this time, figured out that Obama’s Administration is an abject failure. The sole light of hope the politicians in charge have is that Obama’s personal likeability numbers remain very high for one with such an abysmal actual record (though for the life of me I can’t understand that one). Based on these facts, the Administration (read as Obama, Jarrett, and Axelrod) has set its course on telling America, hell, telling the world, what a brave and fierce “warrior” Obama is. Although such a strategic plan is understandable based upon the White House’s non-record, when the platitudes and the praises he seeks infringe upon the United States’ security, military, and economic interests, that’s a bridge far, far too far.

    So, back to the definition of treason. No, the Administration is not attempting to kill the Country’s god-like king nor his family. But when it comes to a betrayal of trust, one must look at the trust conferred upon anyone who is honored to be in the Oval Office. Isn’t it an obvious conclusion that anyone who undertakes actions that weaken his own country while benefiting his nation’s enemies is a betrayer of trust? This White House clearly has major difficulties in understanding the definitions and implications of the words “overt” and “covert”. In support of this premise, analyze the following circumstances:

    1) Despite having spent the first nineteen years of my life on military bases, while I knew a great deal about the Navy SEALS program, until the UBL takedown, even I was unaware of the existence of SEAL Team 6. Now the world knows about them. And, thanks to this White House, they know far more about their operations, tactics, and weaponry than I should. The White House, though given the opportunity and means to do so, failed to destroy the tail section of the SEAL’s insertion helo despite the presence of a significant amount of U.S. covert technology. Since, the Chinese military has been given the opportunity by Pakistan (who is obviously NOT our ally) to visual inspect that downed tail section. Does a President providing such an opportunity to this Nation’s enemies not constitute a grave danger to America’s fighting forces? And that is clearly a betrayal of trust.
    2) In disclosing the Israeli agreement with Azerbaijan, the White House placed in serious jeopardy, Israel’s ability to successfully attack Iran’s nuclear infrastructure. Is that not a betrayal of the trust of a longtime ally? A nuke in the hands of the Iranians presents a clear and present danger to the U.S. and its strategic interests, so it is likewise a betrayal of the Americans’ trust?
    3) The CIA recruits and trains foreign nationals in sympathy with U.S. interests to undertake life threatening missions on our behalf! When the White House makes such “covert” endeavors “overt” it tremendously reduces this Nation’s ability to accomplish dangerous missions that require the assistance of these foreign “operators”.
    4) The list of intelligence “blunders” goes on and on, but little is to be gained by elaborating upon each such incident. The sad fact is, though, that these were NOT blunders. They were, instead, political strategies (do you feel the presence of Jarret and Axelrod) designed to rescue the reputation of a pathetically failed Presidency and to merely paint Obama as a “kick-ass cowboy” who should be returned to office. All the while exposing covert operations, this Administration is the same one which, through Eric Holder, refuses to provide Fast & Furious official documents subpoenaed by the United States Congress! Apparently endangering America’s fighting force, kicking our allies in the teeth, and throwing foreign assets under the nearest bus need to be brought into the light of day…but providing the Congress relative to an investigation of a botched, illegal, gun-running scandal, the documents needed to determine what, when and where this happened, is apparently stonewalled due to “national security interests”.

    The time is here where it appears at least appropriate to have the conversation as to whether this White House Administration is guilty of treason. No doubt, these are strong words, but when presented with the record of the Administration, they are not unreasonable. tm