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Nearly Half of U.S. Lives in Household Receiving Government Benefit

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  • Nearly Half of U.S. Lives in Household Receiving Government Benefit

    Nearly Half of U.S. Lives in Household Receiving Government Benefit

    By Sara Murray - Wall Street Journal

    Families were more dependent on government programs than ever last year.

    Nearly half, 48.5%, of the population lived in a household that received some type of government benefit in the first quarter of 2010, according to Census data. Those numbers have risen since the middle of the recession when 44.4% lived households receiving benefits in the third quarter of 2008.

    The share of people relying on government benefits has reached a historic high, in large part from the deep recession and meager recovery, but also because of the expansion of government programs over the years. (See a timeline on the history of government benefits programs here.)

    Means-tested programs, designed to help the needy, accounted for the largest share of recipients last year. Some 34.2% of Americans lived in a household that received benefits such as food stamps, subsidized housing, cash welfare or Medicaid (the federal-state health care program for the poor).

    Another 14.5% lived in homes where someone was on Medicare (the health care program for the elderly). Nearly 16% lived in households receiving Social Security.

    High unemployment and increased reliance on government programs has also shrunk the nation’s share of taxpayers. Some 46.4% of households will pay no federal income tax this year, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center. That’s up from 39.9% in 2007, the year the recession began.

    Most of those households will still be hit by payroll taxes. Just 18.1% of households pay neither payroll nor federal income taxes and they are predominantly the nation’s elderly and poorest families.

    The tandem rise in government-benefits recipients and fall in taxpayers has been cause for alarm among some policymakers and presidential hopefuls.

    Benefits programs have come under closer scrutiny as policymakers attempt to tame the federal government’s budget deficit. President Barack Obama and members of Congress considered changes to Social Security and Medicare as part of a grand bargain (that ultimately fell apart) to raise the debt ceiling earlier this year. Cuts to such programs could emerge again from the so-called “super committee,” tasked with releasing a plan to rein in the deficit.

    Republican presidential hopefuls, meanwhile, have latched onto the fact that nearly half of households pay no federal income tax, saying too many Americans aren’t paying their fair share.

    UPDATE: Nearly half of the population lives in a household that has at least one member who receives some kind of government benefit. An earlier headline incorrectly suggested that half of American households receive some government benefit. Due to differences in household size that isn’t the case.

  • #2
    Where's the incentive to get out and get a job when you get everything handed to you?


    • #3
      i just want to throw up


      • #4
        Scary numbers, that is not good for us working Americans.
        Questions, comments, complaints:
        [email protected]


        • #5
          I be they get to golf all the time!


          • #6
            Once again, the latest fire and brimstone sermon by Marc Faber is absolutely spot on, starting and ending with his "policy" recommendation for what the US needs: "I will tell you what the US needs. The US needs a Lee Kwan Yew who stands in front of the US and tells them, listen you lazy bugger, now you have to tighten your belts, you have to save more, work more for lower salaries and only through that will we get out of the current dilemma that essentially prevents the economy from growing." No money printing, no extensive protests, no excuses. Of course, this would have to accompany a global overhaul of the system, something Zero Hedge has been advocating since day one, as it is impossible to reform this broken system from within: "The problem i have with the investment universe is that i find it difficult to envision how the US and western Europe can return to healthy sustainable growth without a complete purge of the financial system and some type of catalyst. Something that restores some measure of social cohesion among people; it could be hyperinflation, a complete credit market collapse, widespread sovereign defaults, civil strife, major military confrontation.” Alas, in that he is also correct, and as we said back in early 2010, when the current episode of extend and pretend ends and the can kicking exercise finally fails, next up is war.

            It is refreshing to see that Marc is a reader of Zero Hedge, and specifically the post that we consider one of the most important of the year, namely that from BSC, which laid out in black on white what the next steps will be:

            I tell what you to do. I think a flat tax on everybody would be actually a good measure and i think to reduce the regulatory environment in the US. We have expansionary fiscal and monetary policies. But we have restrictive regulatory policies. And it curtails any initiative by the small businessmen., and the large businessmen, he doesn't employ and invest capital in the US, he does he that in China or somewhere else in the world where the regulatory environment is more favorable. If you look at net investments in the US, it's gone down for the last 20 years, and it's now negative. In other words, basically the capital stock of America is not being replenished. It's being replenished somewhere else. And at the same time, the policies of the Keynesians have always encouraged spending. “We're not going to get out of recession by saving. Spend, Spend, Spend.” That is wrong. The lack of savings is the problem of the United States.

            Faber on volatility and liquidity:

            i think the volatility arises because we have the Nasdaq bubble and then we had the housing bubble and the stock market bubble and then a commodities bubble and usually when the bubble bursts like off the 29 or after the late '60s you have a period of very high volatility for about 10 to 15 years before the markets settle down and then reignite the uptrend. As far the dollar is concerned, the reason i'm actually quite positive is that global liquidity, despite of the fact that the ECB and the European governments will flood the market with liquidity to pay the sales out, that global liquidity is tightening. And whenever global liquidity is tightening, it's bad for asset prices but good for the US dollar as was the case in 2008.

            On what the true target of #OccupyWallStreet, whose otherwise noble intentions are unfortunately being abused by higher powers, should be:

            Basically we have the Keynesians and the Democrats and I'm not saying that all democrats are equal, but they want interventions and we have far too many interventions in the western world where the share of the total economy that goes to government and is government- sponsored has grown. And that essentially makes it very difficult for the western world to grow substantially. As to that huge level of debts, i don't see how the western world, including the US, japan, and Western Europe can actually grow. They're going to stagnate. And when you have stagnation over a longer period of time, people start to ask questions and then they go after minorities. And Wall Street is a minority – they are a minority and anyone else would have done the same. They use the system. But they didn't create the system. The system was created by the lobbyists and by Washington. So they should actually go to Washington and also occupy the Federal Reserve on the way.

            Finally, his conclusion is once again spot on: Wall Street's growth is merely a smokescreen for something far more insiduous and something repeatedly covered by Bill Buckler and other more insightful strategists: namely the infinite growth of central planning and the government apparatus. Wall Street's monstrous increase is merely a smokescreen by government to allow it to operate in its shadows and to pocket the benefits of the most mutated symbiotic relationship in the history of the world.

            The problem is, governments in the western world -- and I'm not singling out the US -- they have grown like a cancer. And now they protect themselves to stay in power and they have a variety of alliances, like, for instance Mr. Obama he has no clue, but when he sees the protesters in Wall Street he immediately says yes, yes, yes that’s a good idea so he can target the minority so can buy a few more votes. And of course the well to do people want to protect what they worked for and also what they're paying for because as you know in the US roughly 50% of the people don't pay federal income tax. So actually to say that the rich have not contributed anything is actually wrong.

            The conclusion is that any systemic reset should not target just Wall Street: it should focus first and foremost on what is most broken in US society: its "government."


            • #7
              very good watch, marc faber is dead this guy

              Marc Faber To America: "Listen You Lazy Bugger, You Need To Tighten Your Belts, You Need To Work More For Lower Salaries" | ZeroHedge


              • #8
                Tower...I know you're onto something here...Back in the day when the USA was a monument to Capitalism and Freedom....what you're onto was called the TRUTH! Things are terrible right now, but be warned...they are going to get much much worse in the next six months...Remember the CRITICAL THREE Gs: God, Grub, and Guns...Each will be highly important.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by umreb78 View Post
                  Tower...I know you're onto something here...Back in the day when the USA was a monument to Capitalism and Freedom....what you're onto was called the TRUTH! Things are terrible right now, but be warned...they are going to get much much worse in the next six months...Remember the CRITICAL THREE Gs: God, Grub, and Guns...Each will be highly important.
                  Couldn't agree more....I wish i knew when, but it's only a matter of time something major happens and i totally see what this gov't is really doing. I've been warning people for the last year, some people think i'm stupid, ignorant and so on, but i am in total fear what is going on with

                  1)china's ghost town's, and everyone i talk to thinks china is doing the world good, it's all fake....Everyone thinks china is a good story, WTF am i missing, plz watch this video....Must watch 15min video

                  China's Ghost Cities - YouTube

                  2) the amount we are spending to prop up the stock markets...If berney madoff (CEO of the nasdaq before starting up his company) quits his CEO job and starts up a ponzie sch isn't a red flag, then i feel bad for anyone who gets wipped out when this does turn ugly....

                  3) Germany and all the euro countries ready to expload, just a matter of time....

                  4) 10-20 years of japan at it's same level who tried to do the same thing we are currently doing, and we all know where they've been these past 20 years...STUCK in the same level

                  and we are in a phase where we can't print ourselves out of this recession, TIME will get us out, but this gov't thinks printing will create jobs, and all i can do is laugh...

                  I can go on and on, but if i can help 1 person save money, then i am happy...


                  • #10
                    Republican presidential hopefuls, meanwhile, have latched onto the fact that nearly half of households pay no federal income tax, saying too many Americans aren’t paying their fair share.
                    You have to be shitting me?

                    How about the richest 10% paying their fair share in taxes? They sure as hell aren't putting it into this economy.

                    And the Big Corps need to pay more taxes as they get away with all the offshore bullshit.

                    If you changed the above this Country could turn it'self around, but that's not going to happen when you have a bunch of crooks running this Country.

                    The Original Constitution for the people by the people

                    Today's version of the Constitution for the Big Corporations by the lobbiest/Big Corporations.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                      You have to be shitting me?

                      How about the richest 10% paying their fair share in taxes? They sure as hell aren't putting it into this economywhen will people realize that putting anything into this economy won't work, we are in hard times and it's going to take years to get out of it, but in the mean time, we need to stop wasting money on worthless Q2,Q3 or Qwhateverthefuckthenumber will be and hunker down and stop increasing our debt

                      And the Big Corps need to pay more taxes as they get away with all the offshore bullshit. [/FONT] Starting with Obama's economic team of Buffett and GE CEO etc....maybe GE can f'n pay in some taxes instead of the gov't giving them money back but then we bailed out f'n GE capital in 2009....that's what pisses me off, they all suck

                      If you changed the above this Country could turn it'self around, but that's not going to happen when you have a bunch of crooks running this Country. AMEN

                      The Original Constitution for the people by the people

                      Today's version of the Constitution for the Big Corporations by the lobbiest/Big Corporations.
                      Amen, just read something that obama will be raising damn near 1 billion on this election....Just makes me sick where this country is turning into to...of course i added to some of your points above....
                      Last edited by Watchtower76; 10-11-2011, 10:48 PM.


                      • #12
                        So what is fair for the "rich"??? Per the IRS, in 2009, taxpayers with AGI's in excess of $200,000 (a total of 3.9% of all returns filed), paid a total of Federal Income Taxes of $440 Billion or 48.06% of ALL income taxes paid. This is on total AGI of $1.969 Trillion or effectively 22.34% of their AGI...AGI is total income before personal dependency exemptions and itemized deductions.

                        The other 96.1% of Americans (by number of returns filed) paid 51.94% of all income taxes paid or a total of $476 Billion. This is on total AGI of $5.831 Trillion or effectively 8.16% of their AGI...AGI is total income before personal dependency exemptions and itemized deductions.

                        IN summary, the top 3.9% of American earners paid 48.06% of all taxes paid; the remaining 96.1% of Americans paid 51.94% of all taxes; As a percentage of AGI, the top 3.9% paid an effective rate of 22.34% while the remaining 96.1% of Americans had an effective rate of 8.13%.

                        So, I would ask again, how much is high incomers' fair share? Have we gotten to the point where we no longer want to promote success but instead, are more interested in "equalizing" everyone? Capitalism works only if there is fundamental incentive to strive to do succeed....


                        • #13
                          Lets tax corporations to death and then we will all soon be unemployed and live off government welfare.......
                          NBA is a joke


                          • #14
                            thats caz a lot of old ppl get benefits. Also my friend said his grandmother used to get food stamps she didn't need them caz her family provided for her.
                            How many more titles will the Yankees try to buy it never ends.

