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Are You Kidding Me?? Now They Are Teaching Gay History??

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  • Are You Kidding Me?? Now They Are Teaching Gay History??

    California passes landmark law requiring schools to teach gay history

    California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill Wednesday requiring public schools to include the contributions of gay, lesbian and transgendered Americans in their curriculum.

    Justin Sullivan/Getty

    California Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill Wednesday requiring public schools to include the contributions of gay, lesbian and transgendered Americans in their curriculum.

    Gay history will soon be included in California's schools curriculum.

    The state has become the first in the nation to require textbooks and history classes to cover the contributions of gay, lesbian and transgendered Americans.

    Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown signed the bill into law Wednesday, just a week after the Democratic-majority Legislature passed the measure on a party-line vote.

    "History should be honest," Brown said in a statement Thursday. "This bill revises existing laws that prohibit discrimination in education and ensures that the important contributions of Americans from all backgrounds and walks of life are included in our history books."

    The landmark law, which was authored by Democratic Sen. Mark Leno, also bans material that reflects adversely on gays.

    State textbooks will not reflect the change in curriculum until they are updated in 2013, though the Golden State's legislation will take effect in January.

    The measure has been met with vehement opposition from Republican lawmakers and conservative groups charging that the law will expose students to material that some parents will find questionable.

    Randy Thomasson, president of, a conservative family group, said parents will be forced to put their children in private school to avoid "immoral indoctrination."

    "Jerry Brown has trampled the parental rights of the overwhelming majority of California fathers and mothers who don't want their children to be sexually brainwashed at school," Thomasson said.

    Local school boards will be able to decide how to implement the mandate and at what grade level the instruction will begin once the law goes into effect.

    California already mandates that public schools teach students about African Americans, Mexican Americans, American Indians and other minority groups.

    The new law will also add people with disabilities to the list of groups that schools must include in their lesson plans.


    California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law a bill that would require that public schools teach gay and lesbian history. The legislation is preceded by similar requirements in the state of California to promote women's history, African-American history and other minority groups' history in public school curriculum. The bill was originally put forth in 2006 but vetoed by then Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican. However, since then, there has been a great deal of public outcry in response to the recent suicides of many gay teens across the state, attention to which no doubt helped to push the bill forward. Now that the Democratic governor has signed the bill, come January, the state-approved curriculum of public schools across the state will include the study of gay rights figures such as Harvey Milkā€”the first openly gay, publicly-elected official in California.

    Advocates hope the requirements will lessen bullying and promote tolerance. Nevertheless, there has been some resistance to the bill. Opponents argue that it infringes on the rights of local school districts and that it is up to individual communities to determine whether such requirements be included in the curriculum.

    After the passage of gay marriage by the state of New York, last week we asked you if gay marriage should be legalized throughout the country. This week we pose a similar question. Would you like to see a bill like this passed in your state and across the country? Do you think children should be required to learn about gay history in public schools? Or do you think it should be up to local school boards whether they learn gay advocates and other aspects of gay and lesbian history? Or do you think gay history should be left out of school curriculum entirely? As always, your comments are also appreciated.

  • #2
    SAN FRANCISCO, California - Close to 22,000 teachers and school employees in California received pink slips yesterday.For the past month, Filipino students at Bessie Carmichael Elementary School in San Francisco have been worried about losing their teachers.

    “It feels so sad,” said elementary school student Robert Manuyag. “If we don’t learn, we won’t know anything.”

    Not all of the pink slips will mean layoffs. Last year, 40% of the 26,000 teachers that received layoff notices kept their jobs. But with the current economy, some are not as optimistic this time around that the pink slips will be rescinded in May.

    Over 300 school administrators throughout the state went to Sacramento to lobby lawmakers and find answers to the budget cuts, especially the deep cuts in education. California faces a US$20 billion budget deficit.

    Bessie Carmichael Principal Jeffrey Burgos was at the State Capitol to lobby. Burgos believes pink slips will be near-guarantees for being laid off.

    “In this case, it’s very real, these pink slips. But when you have no money, how are you able to keep anybody? Everyone is in limbo; even I’m not sure right now,” Burgos said.

    Parents have been worried, too, holding meetings, trying to make back-up plans in case the cuts do go through this time.

    The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has filed a lawsuit against the state over the pink slips. The ACLU says the pink slips are demoralizing to faculty and students. Balitang America


    Close to 22,000 teachers and school employees in California received pink slips. California faces a US$20 billion budget deficit.

    But they want to teach about Gay history??? OMG!!!!
    I have heard it all now


    • #4
      land of the fruits and nuts....this state is a complete joke and its run by moronic Dem leaders who couldnt even be a manager at a dairy queen....


      • #5
        How are they going to teach gay history? They know when it started etc?


        • #6
          The people who are the most anti-gay, are always the gayest.

          Calling Michelle Bachman’s Husband Gay Is Wrong, But Have You Seen Him Dance? | Best Week Ever


          • #7
            now the dumb ass libs are attacking Bachman, when they dont even know their own president...............what a true travesty to look in the mirror and still call yourself a liberal..............


            • #8
              Yea liberals are so stupid. We need a President that believes in intelligent design. One that's definitely not racist, for sure. Maybe anti-abortion, anti-gay, and possibly they can force religion on everyone, and turn gays straight. Who's out there, that has all these great qualities, that we can vote for? No stupid liberals though, ok?


              • #9
                Do we have enough money to teach about gays?


                • #10
                  i didnt say stupid did however


                  • #11
                    Originally posted by jordanrules23 View Post
                    i didnt say stupid did however
                    Yes I did, they're stupid and dumb, they actually believe in evolution and that gays are born that way. Such idiots. We need a genius like Bachman or Palin.


                    • #12
                      Teacher: class ? what did Ben Franklin have dangling on his kite string ??

                      Students raise hands.

                      Teacher: Yes Elton ?

                      Elton: Ben Franklin had a Dildo dangling from his kite string !

                      Teacher: You are correct Elton. Good job !!
                      He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                      • #13
                        Political correctness running wild. The education system is a joke. Half the kids cant read or write but they must know about the plight of the polar bear, global warming and gay history.
                        NBA is a joke


                        • #14
                          Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                          Political correctness running wild. The education system is a joke. Half the kids cant read or write but they must know about the plight of the polar bear, global warming and gay history.
                          I think we may agree on something

                          The education system for the most part is a damn joke.


                          • #15
                            Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
                            I think we may agree on something

                            The education system for the most part is a damn joke.

                            Hell just froze over

                            Kids from other parts of the world are speaking several languages and studying circles around kids in the US. Future not looking good for the kids in our system. Hopefully, good parents can make up the difference with extra studying at home.
                            NBA is a joke

