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What non-sense

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  • What non-sense

    Sanford, N.C. — An athletic and academic standout in Lee County said a lunchbox mix-up has cut short her senior year of high school and might hurt her college opportunities.

    Ashley Smithwick, 17, of Sanford, was suspended from Southern Lee High School in October after school personnel found a small paring knife in her lunchbox.

    Smithwick said personnel found the knife while searching the belongings of several students, possibly looking for drugs.

    “She got pulled into it. She doesn’t have to be a bad person to be searched,” Smithwick’s father, Joe Smithwick, said.

    The lunchbox really belonged to Joe Smithwick, who packs a paring knife to slice his apple. He and his daughter have matching lunchboxes.

    “It’s just an honest mistake. That was supposed to be my lunch because it was a whole apple,” he said.

    Ashley Smithwick said she had never gotten in trouble before and was surprised when the principal opened her lunchbox and found the knife.

    The teen was initially given a 10-day suspension, then received notice that she was suspended the rest of the school year.

    "I don’t understand why they would even begin to point the finger at me and use me as an example," she said.

    This month, Ashley Smithwick, a soccer player who takes college-level courses, was charged with misdemeanor possession of a weapon on school grounds. She is no longer allowed to set foot on campus.

    “They made it sound like it was a big ol’ buck knife that you’re out here hunting with,” Joe Smithwick said.

    Darla Cole, the chief school resource officer in Lee County, told WRAL News she could not comment on the case.

    Lee County Superintendent Jeff Moss told the Sanford Herald that he can’t discuss the specifics of the case, but school policy allows principals to consider the context of each case and determine discipline.

    Moss said students who accidentally carry a weapon and report it to teachers will get a light punishment. If teachers find it, he said, the discipline is harsher.

    “When the principals conduct their investigations, what typically is fleshed out is the true intent,” he told the newspaper. “Bottom line is we want to ensure every child feels safe on our campus.”

    Ashley Smithwick is completing her coursework online through Central Carolina Community College. She said she worries the case will affect her college prospects.

    “When you have a criminal record no school’s going to look at you,” she said. “I have a pretty nice talent. I’m good at playing soccer and that talent is just wasted now.”

  • #2
    Wouldn't you think the government would want a kid like this to stay in school??? ... Isn't that what they preach all the time?? Stay in school, get your education.

    Another Job well done ... Hope they are proud of themselves


    • #3
      Absolute nonsense. What happened to common sense?


      • #4
        Without a doubt the biggest problem with "Zero Tolerance", which is in place because of lawsuits and lawyers, you can't let educated people make rational decisions. This drives me nuts......
        Let's Hammer the Book.


        • #5
          Originally posted by DBURGH View Post
          Without a doubt the biggest problem with "Zero Tolerance", which is in place because of lawsuits and lawyers, you can't let educated people make rational decisions. This drives me nuts......
          Me too ...

          I remember bringing a swiss knife to school all the time. While we were walking to school we would throw to see who could make it stick in the ground the most times ... I remember a teacher that was walking on school grounds saw us doing this and he joined in ... True story!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Spark View Post
            Me too ...

            I remember bringing a swiss knife to school all the time. While we were walking to school we would throw to see who could make it stick in the ground the most times ... I remember a teacher that was walking on school grounds saw us doing this and he joined in ... True story!!!
            Moses liked to throw knives? Who knew...


            • #7
              they should bring a lawsuit against the school district immediately.......i am not sure how we can have such a politically correct society and also have zero tolerance policies ????? Seems like they would be opposite ends of the spectrum ??? The question i have is if they suspend the girl is there a process to appeal ??? If the father can produce a matching lunch box then they have the school system dead to rights...


              • #8
                Liberalism at its finest.

                The Public School system is joke.
                NBA is a joke


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Spark View Post
                  Me too ...

                  I remember bringing a swiss knife to school all the time. While we were walking to school we would throw to see who could make it stick in the ground the most times ... I remember a teacher that was walking on school grounds saw us doing this and he joined in ... True story!!!

                  I did not know you could make a swiss knife out of sharpened rocks. Your cavemen friends were pretty resourceful.
                  NBA is a joke


                  • #10
                    When I was a kid I didn't need any weapon, I kicked their asses with my bare knuckles...

                    TOUCHDOWN FAT BOY!

                    I was Born my Pappy's Son,
                    When I hit the ground, I was on the Run!
                    Jon E. Checkers


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DBURGH View Post
                      Without a doubt the biggest problem with "Zero Tolerance", which is in place because of lawsuits and lawyers, you can't let educated people make rational decisions. This drives me nuts......
                      Zero Tolerance is in place because of lawsuits and lawyers? I strongly disagree. A case like this one may end up going to the Courts and if it does the girl should win.

                      Giving her 10 days off was more than enough punishment. And the media wouldn't have known anything, but because she has an asshole for a principal it got media attention.

