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Obama calls Eagles owner to congratulate him for hiring Vick!

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  • Obama calls Eagles owner to congratulate him for hiring Vick!

    Obama calls Eagles owner to congraulate him for signing Vick
    By Chris Chase
    Michael Vick(notes) has been getting support from all sides during his road to redemption. He's now getting it from the leader of the free world.

    NBC's Peter King reports that Barack Obama called Philadelphia Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie earlier this week to congratulate him for giving Vick a second chance after his release from prison. According to King, the president said that released prisoners rarely receive a level playing field and that Vick's story could begin to change that.

    Forget your political allegiances or feelings about Michael Vick and take a step back to think about this. The sitting president of the United States went out of his way to publicly praise a man who, 3 1/2 years ago, many thought would never play again in the NFL. Even the most ardent believers in Vick couldn't have fathomed a turn-around like this.

    In retrospect it seems obvious that Vick would get a second chance in the NFL, but it wasn't so clear-cut back when he was lying to the commissioner, getting sternly admonished in federal court and serving out a sentence at Leavenworth. We tend to take for granted unbelievable events when they slowly unfold before our eyes. The step-by-step nature of these sorts of tales tend to minimize the shock when taken in over a long process. So though it now seems like it was all pre-destined to work out like this, it wasn't: Vick's rise and fall and rise is a truly stunning tale. He went from star to pariah to inmate to backup to MVP candidate to political prop for the leader of the free world all in a span of a couple years.

    For Obama to praise Vick now shows a number of things, namely that uttering the quarterback's name is thought to be a safe political move. He's playing the best football of his life for a playoff team and was the second-leading vote getter for the Pro Bowl. At the moment, he's the model of redemption, someone worthy of praise.

    Because, if you think about it, Vick got that "second chance" from Lurie 16 months ago. There was no phone call from the president then. Praising Vick at that time would have been a political third rail. But now that Vick is playing great and most people seem to have either forgiven him or stopped caring about his transgressions, it's a shrewd political move. After what could be termed a rough two years in office, the president is looking for a second chance from the people who have turned against him over the past two years. Supporting a huge star like Vick could help with the president's recent image problems. It may not register much nationally, but it couldn't hurt in Pennsylvania. After all, it's a swing state and 2012 is just around the corner.
    NBA is a joke

  • #2
    I did not realize the Eagles Won the Superbowl already?

    Obama is even a bigger fool than I thought.

    Why call now, what if they were under .500 under Vick? Does Obama call then??

    Course not, what a fucking joke this president is.
    NBA is a joke


    • #3
      I suppose race has nothing to do with this either.
      NBA is a joke


      • #4
        Obama shouldn't have called to congratulate the owner on anything. Vick probably won't even be with Philly next year. He's going to sign a big fat contract with someone else.

        Bad move IMO by the President


        • #5
          Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
          Bad move IMO by the President

          Like that is something new

          Just add it to the list


          • #6
            Is Michael Vick President Obama’s New Home Boy?

            For today’s believe-it-or-not political / sports story, President Obama called the Philadelphia Eagles owner to congratulate him for signing Michael Vick when he got out of prison, reports NBC. Obama’s explanation was that most ex-cons don’t get a level playing field after release, so for the Eagles to give Vick a second chance…well that was just grand of them and the President extends his appreciation.

            As it happens, I can think of a bazillion ways to criticize this move of Obama’s….here we go:

            1. Isn’t Pennsylvania a swing state? What better place to grab some headlines, especially with Vick in such good odor right now. You know Ohio is a swing state too usually…how about a presidential phone call to LeBron James commanding his ass back to Cleveland?

            2. Why didn’t Obama extend his appreciation for the fair treatment of ex-cons to the Eagles back when they signed Vick? Why did he wait until NOW when the Eagles are heading for playoffs?

            3. Is Obama’s political image so poor that he needs to align himself with reformed felons in order to improve it?

            4. Aren’t there any white football players whose teams need a congratulatory phone call from the President? Has Obama called the Patriots lately about Tom Brady? After all, he has the highest salary in the NFL, which gives him lots of cash to stimulate the economy with…isn’t that worth a phone call?

            5. Doesn’t the President have anything else to do? I don’t know…maybe spend some time with his kids…keep a campaign promise or two…lobby against political reform…

            6. Does the President congratulate any other companies for hiring ex-cons in person with a phone call? Or at all? How about a phone call to some large corporation that managed to avoid laying off employees by cutting their VIP bonuses? Oh wait, there aren’t any…

            Last edited by Spark; 12-27-2010, 09:44 PM.


          • #7
            Originally posted by Spark View Post
            Like that is something new

            Just add it to the list
            Obama is a fucking idiot. I swear this guy couldn't run a fucking fruit stand


            • #8
              Obama and JC could run a pineapple stand.... Guaranteed!


              • #9
                Good move by trying to pick up some votes in Pennsylvania. Does it matter in the grand scheme of things...doubtful. Just shows how desperate he really is.


                • #10
                  Oh no, my fruit stand has bed bugs!


                  • #11
                    Originally posted by Shaun32 View Post
                    Oh no, my fruit stand has bed bugs!


                    • #12
                      Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post
                      Good move by trying to pick up some votes in Pennsylvania. Does it matter in the grand scheme of things...doubtful. Just shows how desperate he really is.
                      I think Obama stays in Washington just long enough to pack a bag and then off to another trip with the family. His leadership skills are zero. I hope the people of Pennsylvania are smart enough to see what he's doing.Maybe Peta will protest him praising a dog killer.No way he gets re-elected if peta is on his ass.


                      • #13
                        Vick is having his worst game of the season,

                        It must be the Obama effect. Lmao!
                        NBA is a joke


                        • #14
                          Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                          Vick is having his worst game of the season,

                          It must be the Obama effect. Lmao!
                          Hole E Shit!!!


                          • #15
                            I hope Obama calls the Rooneys in Pittsburgh to wish them luck this weekend. LOL
                            NBA is a joke


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