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Less Than Half The Nation Knows That GOP Took Back The House: Pew Poll

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  • #16
    Originally posted by grandmama View Post
    would you please write a complete sentence because I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what you're trying to ask here kb.
    What I'm basically trying to say is, while holding down a decent job, you should expect a higher living than the bums who sit around and suck govt tit all their lives. Holding a job with one of these "govt titty fucking corporations" should give you a much better living than trailer trash living 19 year old Sue Ellen (insert any demographic here ) who has has 6 kids already and plans on having 12 more so her welfare check is fat!


    • #17
      And what I'm trying to get across is that these corporations get more from the government than any of the bums that are waiting for a handout.
      "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


      • #18
        Originally posted by grandmama View Post
        And what I'm trying to get across is that these corporations get more from the government than any of the bums that are waiting for a handout.
        Which are then in turn handing it down to working citizens...


        • #19
          Originally posted by grandmama View Post
          And what I'm trying to get across is that these corporations get more from the government than any of the bums that are waiting for a handout.

          So would two wrongs make a right?

          Corporations provide jobs, bums dont.
          NBA is a joke


          • #20
            My bad, Bum's do create jobs or jobs for others:

            Substance abuse centers
            Law enforcement
            NBA is a joke


            • #21
              Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
              So would two wrongs make a right?

              Corporations provide jobs, bums dont.
              Flare, Corps have been running amuck in our country for too long and the GOP Police are not going to come and snatch you up in your sleep if you admit that. You really carry the party line no matter what, or how much evidence there is against your POV. As for creating jobs, yeah, you're right, if you live in Indonesia or India corps have jobs for you. They try to ship jobs overseas as much as possible. They get out of paying there share of taxes, thus putting more of a burden on the American people. They are buying politicians with the amount of money they give to candidates, and when their guys get into office, they want payback, which generally comes in the form of less regulation or helping eliminate their competition all togeher. I'm not sure about you, but I like what this country was founded on and that's democracy and it's not for sale.
              "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


              • #22
                Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                Flare, Corps have been running amuck in our country for too long and the GOP Police are not going to come and snatch you up in your sleep if you admit that. You really carry the party line no matter what, or how much evidence there is against your POV. As for creating jobs, yeah, you're right, if you live in Indonesia or India corps have jobs for you. They try to ship jobs overseas as much as possible. They get out of paying there share of taxes, thus putting more of a burden on the American people. They are buying politicians with the amount of money they give to candidates, and when their guys get into office, they want payback, which generally comes in the form of less regulation or helping eliminate their competition all togeher. I'm not sure about you, but I like what this country was founded on and that's democracy and it's not for sale.
                Well said GM only thing I will add is...Assholes!!

                TOUCHDOWN FAT BOY!

                I was Born my Pappy's Son,
                When I hit the ground, I was on the Run!
                Jon E. Checkers


                • #23
                  Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                  Flare, Corps have been running amuck in our country for too long and the GOP Police are not going to come and snatch you up in your sleep if you admit that. You really carry the party line no matter what, or how much evidence there is against your POV. As for creating jobs, yeah, you're right, if you live in Indonesia or India corps have jobs for you. They try to ship jobs overseas as much as possible. They get out of paying there share of taxes, thus putting more of a burden on the American people. They are buying politicians with the amount of money they give to candidates, and when their guys get into office, they want payback, which generally comes in the form of less regulation or helping eliminate their competition all togeher. I'm not sure about you, but I like what this country was founded on and that's democracy and it's not for sale.

                  Like you dont carry the water for the Dems, come on man.

                  A little late for that business that we are not for sale, jobs could remain in the country if taxes were lowered and unions were not destroying companies. Clinton sold military technology to China, wtf. Blaming the corprations from trying to make a profit is not the answer. And by the way, the biggest corporation by far is the Federal Government!

                  Lets destroy every corporation, every small business and lets all get on the government tit. Hello Greece we are right behind you.
                  NBA is a joke


                  • #24
                    Flare and others, once we realize that we're all on the same side the better off we'll all be in the long run. I'm done voting for what I think are the lesser of two evils each election cycle. The left and right are the same in this country and their only priority is making the people on wall steet rich because those people fund their campaigns. What I am calling for is not a RIGHT/LEFT thing, but we need to realize that it's an UP/DOWN thing. Those that are on the inside and the majority of us that are not. I want to stress that if you are worth 1 million bucks you mean nothing to those people in power-these people are worth hundreds of millions and billions and want to do whatever possible to prevent anyone else of getting rich. They set the game up in their favor because their making the rules. Just look at the current mess we're in now-newsflash:it happened under Pubs and Dems--WHY! BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL THE SAME. Regan started the mess, but actually pulled back after the S&P dissaster. Clinton really helped this problem, by siding with GOP house members and repealing Glass-Stegal. We all know what Bush did in 2002 and 2007-2008. All you have to do is a quick google search and you'll come to find the the economic teams of the presidents look the same under each administration.
                    "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                      Like you dont carry the water for the Dems, come on man.

                      A little late for that business that we are not for sale, jobs could remain in the country if taxes were lowered and unions were not destroying companies. Clinton sold military technology to China, wtf. Blaming the corprations from trying to make a profit is not the answer. And by the way, the biggest corporation by far is the Federal Government!

                      Lets destroy every corporation, every small business and lets all get on the government tit. Hello Greece we are right behind you.
                      Man, you really don't get it do you Flare. We are the fucking same bro, there is no left/right and you will never be in their club. Goldman Sachs destroyed the Greek economy. Flare, taxes for these people have been extremly low for years. Once, you realize that there is no difference between the right and the left come back and talk to me bro.
                      "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                        Man, you really don't get it do you Flare. We are the fucking same bro, there is no left/right and you will never be in their club. Goldman Sachs destroyed the Greek economy. Flare, taxes for these people have been extremly low for years. Once, you realize that there is no difference between the right and the left come back and talk to me bro.
                        Grandma, you are the one who doesn't get it. I have no respect whatsoever for GS, but you are factually in another universe. GS did NOT destroy Greece...Progessive liberalism (socialism) destroyed Greece. Retirement at 50, and at rates higher than retirees ever made while they were working. Greece is, in fact, the ultimate real world poster child of failed Socialism. BTW, socialism, by its core tenants MUST fail. Socialism at its roots is merely redistribution of wealth. What we are seeing in the US today is all the proof you need. Why get out find a job and bust your ass when you can sit on said ass and collect foodstamps, welfare, ATFWDC (this one actually ENCOURAGES a bum to produce more bums...think of that next hungrry baby as what in the private world would be called a "raise"), unemployment, low income tax credits (refunds for people who have NO income and no taxes paid in anyway), and on and on. As Thatcher correctly noted, the problem with Socialism is that eventually your run out of other peoples' money to steal. If you don't recognize that this is exactly what this Administration is hell bent upon doing, you are either stupid or asleep, and finally hard working Americans are realizing this and their actions are saying Hell no....

                        ON another note, in an earlier post you said this Country was built on the principal of democracy...Again, with all due respect, your facts are wrong. This nation was founded upon the principals of INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITIES AND FREEDOMS. Even back then, the Founders recongnized the inherent flaws of man, i.e., greed, lust for power, etc. The framers wrote the Constitution for ONE REASON AND ONE REASON ONLY. To protect American citizens FROM the government which it grudgingly recognized as a neccessary evil. The focus of the Constitution was, and still is, to reserve to the People the freedoms to make their own decisions, to provide for their making of their own ways, and to do so without the intervention of the government. You know, those inconvenient ten amendments known as the Bill of Rights. If you study the Bill of Rights, you can conclude ONLY that the intent was to bestow RIGHTS upon the People and to RESTRICT what the government can do to them.

                        How in the name of God can anyone conclude that the creation and growing of an entitlement state (nanny state) that takes from me and gives to anyone else is in keeping with the principles espoused by the founding document? Just because I have taken the iniative to succeed. Helping our less fortunate (as opposed to helping our lazy ass bums) should be a voluntary decision made by individuals, and historically, before the age of Progressiveism, that is what this nation did and without asking anyting in return. That is a far different scenario that having the government "take" ever increasing percentages of what I earn and "giving" it to others.

                        Face it Grandma, the welfare state is nothing more than a tool to acquire and retain political power by making larger and larger percentages of the population "dependent" upon government. In the hood, the government serves much the same funtion as the crack or H dealer. The politicians obtain more votes everytime a new American goes on the dole...and by the day, more Americans are waking up to these facts. The Nation is truly at a crossroads and our future as a free society depends upon which fork we take.

