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California reduces possession of marijuana

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  • California reduces possession of marijuana

    California reduces possession of marijuana from misdemeanor to “infraction”

    posted at 10:13 pm on October 1, 2010 by Allahpundit


    It’s a budgetary measure. These days, isn’t everything?

    A month before California voters decide the fate of a ballot initiative that would legalize marijuana, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed a bill that essentially puts those caught possessing small amounts of the drug on the same level as those caught speeding on the freeway…

    “The only difference is that because it is a misdemeanor, a criminal defendant is entitled to a jury trial,” Mr. Schwarzenegger said in a statement that accompanied his signature. “In this time of drastic budget cuts, prosecutors, defense attorneys, law enforcement and the courts cannot afford to expend limited resources prosecuting a crime that carries the same punishment as a traffic ticket.”…

    Stephen Gutwillig, the California state director for the Drug Policy Alliance, a group based in New York that advocates for drug law reform, said the law could be particularly meaningful for black men, who have been found to be arrested for possession at far higher rates than white men.

    No more time and expense wasted on potential jury trials for those caught with an ounce or less of weed, in other words — and no more criminal records for offenders. NORML is, as you might imagine, ecstatic. One thing I don’t get, though: Schwarzenegger opposes Proposition 19, the ballot measure California’s set to vote on next month that would decriminalize marijuana possession entirely. That being so, why’d he sign this new bill now instead of waiting until after the vote? All this does is generate a news cycle reminding voters that Sacramento is already moving towards decriminalization. Softens up the opposition a bit, no?

    Last edited by Spark; 10-03-2010, 04:21 PM.

  • #2


    • #3
      Spark, I've noticed that you have a lot of interest in pot lately, you still smoke that shit or are you just fondly remembering your hippie days back in the 60's?


      I was Born my Pappy's Son,
      When I hit the ground, I was on the Run!
      Jon E. Checkers


      • #4
        Originally posted by jcheckers View Post
        Spark, I've noticed that you have a lot of interest in pot lately, you still smoke that shit or are you just fondly remembering your hippie days back in 300 B.C.?
        He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


        • #5
          Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View Post
          I quit smoking that shit 20 years ago but me and Spark were 'Hippies' back when people were hippies...


          I was Born my Pappy's Son,
          When I hit the ground, I was on the Run!
          Jon E. Checkers


          • #6
            Originally posted by jcheckers View Post
            I quit smoking that shit 20 years ago but me and Spark were 'Hippies' back when people were hippies...
            I just look at this animation pass the doobie & I get high

            The last time I bought a nickel bag, you actually got 6 joints out of it for $5. Long time ago
            He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


            • #7
              Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View Post
              I just look at this animation pass the doobie & I get high

              The last time I bought a nickel bag, you actually got 6 joints out of it for $5. Long time ago
              No shit, not long ago I was in a convenience store and a kid was buying a pack of ZigZags. Back when I was a kid I could buy three joints for what the papers cost him.

              Spark, since you're not gonna reply, go ahead and smokem if you gottem!

              TOUCHDOWN FAT BOY!

              I was Born my Pappy's Son,
              When I hit the ground, I was on the Run!
              Jon E. Checkers


              • #8
                Originally posted by insidethe8thpol View Post
                I just look at this animation pass the doobie & I get high

                The last time I bought a nickel bag, you actually got 6 joints out of it for $5. Long time ago

                I remember in College how my friends and I would get high, watch some stupid show and not stop laughing.
                NBA is a joke


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jcheckers View Post
                  Spark, I've noticed that you have a lot of interest in pot lately, you still smoke that shit or are you just fondly remembering your hippie days back in the 60's?

                  I have not had a doobie in 30 years but I do believe it should be legalized


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by flarendep1 View Post
                    I remember in College how my friends and I would get high, watch some stupid show and not stop laughing.
                    How bout it?? hahahahaha

                    I remember me and my brother-in-law making Campbell's tomato soup. We were slurping it up and laughing our asses off. I mean literally ROFL. Spit half of it all over ourselves laughing so much.

                    Damn, those were the days.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Spark View Post
                      How bout it?? hahahahaha

                      I remember me and my brother-in-law watching Noah build his boat. We were laughing our asses off. I mean literally ROFL. But Shit ourselves when it starting raining.

                      Damn, those were the days.
                      Couldn't resist


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ToDaClub View Post
                        Couldn't resist


                        • #13
                          I watched a movie called Reefer Madness last year while having a few beers and that was funny as shit. It was made back in the 1930's as an educational film as to the harm weed could do to kids. It wasnt meant to be funny, but it was to me
                          He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ToDaClub View Post
                            Couldn't resist
                            Originally posted by kbsooner21 View Post

                            So both you clowns think that is funny huh?? Editing my post is funny aye???


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ToDaClub View Post
                              Couldn't resist
                              He who wears diaper knows his shit - Confucius


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