Submitted by Bob Fertik on July 24, 2007 - 9:05pm Corporate Media
Dear FOX News Advertiser,
I am writing to inform you that I will not purchase your products as long as you advertise on FOX News.
FOX News does not broadcast news, it broadcasts rightwing smears, hatred, and incitement to violence - including violence against American citizens, police officers, Democratic leaders, and President Obama.
The worst offenders are Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity, whose shows are broadcast in prime time to large audiences. In the past two years, their incitement is connected to the assassination of Dr. George Tiller in Kansas, a gun battle that wounded two policemen in Oakland, and the murder of three policemen in Pittsburgh.
In addition, FOX News broadcasts Republican political propaganda every hour of every day, despite News Corp chairman Rupert Murdoch statement that FOX should not promote "the Tea Party or any other party." The pro-Republican "Tea Party" was largely created in 2009 by Glenn Beck. And in 2010, FOX contributed $1 million directly to the Republican Governor's Association.
Your advertising dollars are helping FOX News spread hatred, incite acts of violence and murder, and destroy our democracy.
I urge you to immediately stop advertising on FOX News.
86077 of 100000 people have signed this petition.
FOX News has always been the propaganda arm of the Republican Party, eager to twist facts and even lie to promote the rightwing Republican agenda. But with Democrats winning Congress and the White House, FOX News has descended into outright hate-mongering and incitement of violence. To protest, we are boycotting these Fox News sponsors.
For 4 years, Bill O'Reilly demonized little-known Kansas doctor George Tiller. On 5/31/09, anti-abortion fanatic Scott Roeder murdered Tiller at his church.
For 18 months, Glenn Beck demonized the little-known Tides Foundation in San Francisco. On 7/18/10, Byron Williams, a convicted felon, got into a shootout with police while on his way to "kill people of importance at the Tides Foundation and the ACLU," wounding two policemen.
On 4/4/09, Richard Poplawski murdered 3 Pittsburgh policemen after posting Glenn Beck videos on a neo-Nazi website.
On 8/6/09, Glenn Beck "joked" about giving Speaker Pelosi a glass of wine with poison.
On 7/28/09, Glenn Beck called President Obama a racist: "The President has exposed himself as a guy ... over and over and over again ... who has a deep-seated hatred for white people ... This man is a racist."
Such incitement of hatred and violence is utterly intolerable in a democracy. To protest, we are boycotting these Fox News sponsors. We join with Stop Beck, FoxNewsBoycott, ColorOfChange, and other groups in this boycott.
Boycott FOX News Advertisers |
Dear FOX News Advertiser,
I am writing to inform you that I will not purchase your products as long as you advertise on FOX News.
FOX News does not broadcast news, it broadcasts rightwing smears, hatred, and incitement to violence - including violence against American citizens, police officers, Democratic leaders, and President Obama.
The worst offenders are Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity, whose shows are broadcast in prime time to large audiences. In the past two years, their incitement is connected to the assassination of Dr. George Tiller in Kansas, a gun battle that wounded two policemen in Oakland, and the murder of three policemen in Pittsburgh.
In addition, FOX News broadcasts Republican political propaganda every hour of every day, despite News Corp chairman Rupert Murdoch statement that FOX should not promote "the Tea Party or any other party." The pro-Republican "Tea Party" was largely created in 2009 by Glenn Beck. And in 2010, FOX contributed $1 million directly to the Republican Governor's Association.
Your advertising dollars are helping FOX News spread hatred, incite acts of violence and murder, and destroy our democracy.
I urge you to immediately stop advertising on FOX News.
86077 of 100000 people have signed this petition.
FOX News has always been the propaganda arm of the Republican Party, eager to twist facts and even lie to promote the rightwing Republican agenda. But with Democrats winning Congress and the White House, FOX News has descended into outright hate-mongering and incitement of violence. To protest, we are boycotting these Fox News sponsors.
For 4 years, Bill O'Reilly demonized little-known Kansas doctor George Tiller. On 5/31/09, anti-abortion fanatic Scott Roeder murdered Tiller at his church.
For 18 months, Glenn Beck demonized the little-known Tides Foundation in San Francisco. On 7/18/10, Byron Williams, a convicted felon, got into a shootout with police while on his way to "kill people of importance at the Tides Foundation and the ACLU," wounding two policemen.
On 4/4/09, Richard Poplawski murdered 3 Pittsburgh policemen after posting Glenn Beck videos on a neo-Nazi website.
On 8/6/09, Glenn Beck "joked" about giving Speaker Pelosi a glass of wine with poison.
On 7/28/09, Glenn Beck called President Obama a racist: "The President has exposed himself as a guy ... over and over and over again ... who has a deep-seated hatred for white people ... This man is a racist."
Such incitement of hatred and violence is utterly intolerable in a democracy. To protest, we are boycotting these Fox News sponsors. We join with Stop Beck, FoxNewsBoycott, ColorOfChange, and other groups in this boycott.
Boycott FOX News Advertisers |