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Katrina 5 years later

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  • Katrina 5 years later

    Today marks the 5th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. I'm watching a show on the weather channel show called "Weather that changed history." I remember watching the loop on Fox news that showed the people that was looting a store. And the pundits talking about that action. Tossing blame at the looters and the residents of New Orleans for their plight....

    I also remember watching people like Oprah Winfrey, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Harry Conick Jr., Peyton & Eli Manning and so many other people tossing away their differences getting out their check books buying supplies and going down there themselves helping out. Young, Old, Black, or White, helping out people in need. Not doing what is becoming a plight in our society by placing blame on others. This is a great country with good people. Whenever we face problems we tackle them together as one.

    So with that being said I do not care if you are white, black, tall, short. Whenever I see and hear people like Glen Beck, Sarah Palin, The new black panthers. Anyone who speaks of separation I will always go against them because I know that we are better that this..... Okay I hear "Glory, Glory Hallelua" in the background gotta go....

  • #2
    The whole Katrina deal STILL has me DISGUSTED.

    5 Years later and the place is still in ruins in almost everywhere that it hit. Bush didn't give a fuck and Obama doesn't give a fuck either. People are STILL living in mobile housing and we STILL keep sending trillions overseas. It just fuckin DISGUSTS me!


    • #3
      Watch MSNBC right now. Katrina looked like a 3rd world country. Why we didn't send every troop possible with food and water there the SECOND it happened is STILL beyond me. It was and still is one of the most disturbing scenes i have EVER seen in this country and nobody in power gave a fuck!


      • #4
        Originally posted by wayne1218 View Post
        Watch MSNBC right now. Katrina looked like a 3rd world country. Why we didn't send every troop possible with food and water there the SECOND it happened is STILL beyond me. It was and still is one of the most disturbing scenes i have EVER seen in this country and nobody in power gave a fuck!
        Wayne, all I can tell you is whatever you saw on TV, it was worse in person.
        I was back here 3 days after Katrina hit and MANY of the images I saw still give me nightmares. I'm not blaming Katrina because I have an alcohol problem, but I started drinking and getting drunk EVERY day after this happened. I lived in a FEMA trailer for over a year and a half and getting drunk seemed the best way to help me forget. It wasn't the right way, but at the time, the only way I knew how to cope.

        Trust me when I say, it was 10 TIMES worse in person than what you saw on TV. And ALL politicians from the Rep and Dem side sucked.

        The damage and death were things I never thought I would ever see in person - not as much or as devastiting.

        I wasn't going to respond anymore in here but I had to say this.
        jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


        • #5
          I feel your pain dave. I didn't live it but as you can see by my 2 posts, it still angers me to no end.


          • #6
            Originally posted by baseballdave View Post
            Wayne, all I can tell you is whatever you saw on TV, it was worse in person.
            I was back here 3 days after Katrina hit and MANY of the images I saw still give me nightmares. I'm not blaming Katrina because I have an alcohol problem, but I started drinking and getting drunk EVERY day after this happened. I lived in a FEMA trailer for over a year and a half and getting drunk seemed the best way to help me forget. It wasn't the right way, but at the time, the only way I knew how to cope.

            Trust me when I say, it was 10 TIMES worse in person than what you saw on TV. And ALL politicians from the Rep and Dem side sucked.

            The damage and death were things I never thought I would ever see in person - not as much or as devastiting.

            I wasn't going to respond anymore in here but I had to say this.
            There's a documentary on HBO by Spike Lee and I was watching part of it as it's 4 hours long. They are wanting to take 165 historic homes & business bulldoze them over to build a new hospital. And federal money went to restore those homes and business's that they want to tear down now.

            And the said part is that they have Charity Hospital which was built in the 30's a few blocks away and I believe it's closed. The only thing that flooded at Charity was the basement so everything else is fine. It's a hospital for the indigent though and I believe thus the reason to steer away from re-opening it. It's disgusting that they are going to tear down homes & business that are historic when they can modernize Charity Hospital for far much less money. And charity can house I believe 3,000 sick people at once.

            Katrina Film Takes Aim at Army Corps of Engineers -

            Spike Lee revisits New Orleans -


            • #7
              Originally posted by BettorsChat View Post
              There's a documentary on HBO by Spike Lee and I was watching part of it as it's 4 hours long. They are wanting to take 165 historic homes & business bulldoze them over to build a new hospital. And federal money went to restore those homes and business's that they want to tear down now.

              And the said part is that they have Charity Hospital which was built in the 30's a few blocks away and I believe it's closed. The only thing that flooded at Charity was the basement so everything else is fine. It's a hospital for the indigent though and I believe thus the reason to steer away from re-opening it. It's disgusting that they are going to tear down homes & business that are historic when they can modernize Charity Hospital for far much less money. And charity can house I believe 3,000 sick people at once.

              Katrina Film Takes Aim at Army Corps of Engineers -

              Spike Lee revisits New Orleans -

              Don't believe everything you see with Spike Lee.

              They are going to reopen Charity. They had meetings this past week and the plans are to reopen as soon as possible.
              jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat

